I can totally see that happening. fearing the most, or loving the most....omg mind=bend
I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT NOTICED!!!!! thank goodness i wasn't
Ross, your taping method...SUCKS.
nice try though
all the angels are freaking out while aikawa-san is laughing LOL
what's up with that expression LOLZ
at first when i saw this part i thought it was actually happening on the ground. Nope I read wrong
i'm not sure why, But I love this admin the most. I bet she is the evilest though
not sure if I like the face or hate the body... does that even make sense!?
this ones nice also
awwwww this ones adorable
ooooooh this one looks cool
sooooo SO close to throwing the towel at the mangaka, cause the HELL.... the H.E.L.L???
this one...THIS ONE!!! mangaka must have been having field day with this one
what the hell! what the hell!! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!!? why did he do that?!?
just going to say...HOW THE FUCK IS THAT COP SO MUSCULAR!?!?
that looks like the most painful to give someone for a simple decapitation!!!
battles of the otp....it has begun
175 photos
25 02,2016 created

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