Manga's not comedic but this free illustration is just hilarious. "stick". LOL.
this "training" is funny and cute at the same time. futamachi is like a scardey cat
agitated, like 1000x
It made me LOL when the stuff toy flopped down the table behind the impressed hikari
"What kind of innovative b.s. was that?" love the line man
I DIED. I FREAKING DIED WHEN BLACK FEATHER ENTERED. Like, someone pls dig a grave for me now
ghey Konoha priapus-daime arrives
rage over pasta. so adorable.
"We totally became lovers w/o me knowing" Well CONGRATS SHERLOCK!
sorry, this is suppose to be a serious talk but... losing hair. LOL
"yes bingo we have a winner" i love the translations.
this is so precious ROFLMAO. Behold! the lightsaber! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
that meme face.
i can't breathe from laughing. his face is so lewd, sensei needed a mosaic while drinking coffee
hey mr. dentist. you know what? i can't believe you more. LOL. you just KISSED a freaking guy!
ch. 4: READ IT FIRST. ROFLMAO This last panel had me:
(⊙…⊙ ) #mindblown
(⊙…⊙ ) #mindblown
OK. so you are about to get raped or being raped RN & you still have time to argue about google...