amai amai, so lovey-dovey x)
Idea of shadows kissing for a message between the lines, it's cute
Oh my god, so cute XD
I'm sorry, this belly is too cute. It's a rare sight even in omegaverse, it miss
That was cute.
It's so cute!! x3 Knowing by his scent his partner is aroused.
Makes me want to live in omegaverse
Makes me want to live in omegaverse
So cute. x)
Whith the previous pages, my god, it's too cute, my heart is squeezing like hell!!
Kya! >..<
Oh my god, the little kittyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
Oh my god, he's soooo cuuuuute, he is just too happy to say he loves him, omg omg so so sooo cute!
I melt
T-That's really cute.
*She's not cute at all* *Don't get mad*
Jealousy so cute <3
Jealousy so cute <3
Nava is too-too-too-too-too-too-too-too-too-tooooooooooooooooooooooon much cute!<3
Ss-S-Soooooo cute.!