foolish? who in their right mind like being sucked by vampire?
duh, you two don't even look alike
UNAGI!!!! yum!
why did you cut your hair :(
lol that expression on the head
Too many to keep track of
I mean...with a face like that, he probably has difficulty finding a job elsewhere
"I have no idea what the hell is going on" ME NEITHER!
what is that on your throat?
COLLEGE? I forgot you're in college. He looked like he's in middle school...
you clearly don't consider him your friend, *cough unrequited love cough* sang hwa
first things first, wash THAT off your hands...
lol you'd think...
chewbaca is that you?
is that you. Minato? ok maybe not
blood is falling all over the...emm, manga panel strip?
1% hp cost for 10% bonus damage is such a nerf