I- oh my gosh honey!!!!!! NOOOO! He was a self harmer!!!!!!!! (Just like me but this ain't bout me)
I'm... never gonna have this am I?
Is it me or does this look better with a beanie, like just picture it
Loo at the thumb... Look at da thumb
man tities
so adorable
I- you mean it's because your a teacher right? say it's because it's your a teacher
I think... you know... where dis abouta go...
why are there noses so long
ngl you look like a leo... and a christopher.
ok that was funny
he is sooooo adorable
o- my mistake, it was that other guy
Sir, didn't you JUST say that you wanted him to comeback? Maaan, your bipolar
awww the cutie kitties the cutie kitties
I mean I am a little mad that he is the reason that Xaio Shus is hurt but dang.