i love her
I just wanna say that I love the frickin art, and the thing with the deer was hilarious
ooh y said the wrong thing blondie
yess King,
how cute
i agree Abel, kids these days
i love her face when he see her
I do the same gorl
not a man tiddy window, but an ab window. interesting, I appreciate this clothing
who tf cooks an egg like this?
I understand the kids crying, but why maid+butler? She's terminal, wishing won't change that
he's like a dad, or like idk
how was she able to pack other dresses n clothes in such a small bag that had art stuff n meds?
ah, snakes don't have fangs like that, they remain inside the mouth unless they're about to strike
am I the only one that's never seen lube like this? except in ONE very Explicit video
cat face rachel
I'm too soft for the Queen