literally me as a child
i love my tired librarian too
"it's boring" i love him
damn, roasted by a kid
he's quite cute, I could see him and I being friends
my health would immediately improve upon seeing this blue haired lady
he's such a kid, i love how upset he looks lol
i love the stick figure versions of them
i love him
Same Adam, same
I love nick too, great chap, love him to bits
the good ol hitting the pillow outta frustration, we've all been there
her face describes how people feel talking to me lol, i do this kinda shit
i love the bookstore clerk, and i love the titles of these books
AND SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOURSELF! he's representing how my life will be in two years
when you set up your own birthday
1094 photos
09 09,2020 created

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