LOLLL From "I am a hero" Im guessing the live action, not sure when this was made
this is a fucking stretch and I think im wrong but I thinkkk this is HER ( Cus of Joaquins mustache)
The Exorcist
The Exorcist
Fantastic Mr. Fox
she made it look so creepy lol,,,,,,,,
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Before Sunrise
Before Sunrise
doesn't have a specific movie Just saved this cus he looked like Bowie LOL
The Shape of Water
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2001: A Space Odyssey
I absolutely loveee seeing movies and famous art in manga and other stuff so if I ever come across a scene with a movie ill probably add it to this album along with the name (only if I can recognize it lol )
32 photos
25 07,2020 created

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