RE: Alistair (otome game)
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
Final Fantasy X (10) request
Kingdom Hearts
Assasins Creed
Kingdom Hearts
Air request/assignment
Kingdom Hearts
Devil May Cry
Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons.
Jeffery the Tiefling Rouge played by my son
Jeffery the Tiefling Rouge played by my son
Dungeons and Dragons.
Mike - the collage drop-out douchbag wizard played by one of my son's friends
Mike - the collage drop-out douchbag wizard played by one of my son's friends
Dungeons and Dragons.
Sir Loin - the reluctant because he's actually very gentle - barbarian Minotaur played by one of my son's friends.
Sir Loin - the reluctant because he's actually very gentle - barbarian Minotaur played by one of my son's friends.