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what has happened to me |
Nov 26, 2019 |
Ongoing |
Psychological |
what has happened to me |
what has happened to me |
Nov 26, 2019 |
Not the fault of the manhua creaters but some of them incorporate chinese CCP propoganda into their work, I read this one webtoon where this supposed Uyghur dude was "patriotic" to his country and wanted to prevent "terrorism" there and it was fucking dumb. Weird how much the common people there are brainwashed
I’m going to cry.
As a chinese person I’m very sorry you had to go through this I can’t imagine how horrible it must’ve been ;-; this government is the reason chinese people get racism all the time but don’t worry we will support you no matter what this is just messed up ╥﹏╥
This is so sad, I’m crying. She’s so brave for talking about this. I hope people can talk about the re-education camps in China. I really hope they stop this.
It’s really disgusting that people actually do this
"Study shows that in the process of eradicating extremism, the minds of Uygur women in Xinjiang were emancipated and gender equality and reproductive health were promoted, making them no longer baby-making machines. They are more confident and independent." This is what the Chinese embassy in the US tweeted as propaganda for their forced sterilisation and contraception measures against muslim women as a means of creating genocide.
And you know what, the tweet is still there, the account is still there. They are free to spread these harmful lies on American internet platforms, nevermind continue this human rights abuse. From the massacre of student activists, to covid doctors, journalists and citizens being imprisoned or going missing, to the treatment of muslims or the "cheap" goods you buy that are made from teenagers fleeing the countryside and not paid by their boss and facing scorn from city dwellers.... nothing changes, everyone turns a blind eye and focuses on idiots in America as if that's all that is happening in the world. We ask ourselves how holocausts happened, and here we are seeing it posted on twitter and no one cares.
I remembered the time in our history class about Chinese people that cause of many Filipinos died because of death march... Where they walk for almost 3 months in handcuffs in the middle of hot weather and continue on with only 1 hour sleep... They don't have food or any water to drink. Why China is cruel to other people of other country? What those people do to them? Its so sad and I am angry. They also want to own any parts of our country in the Philippines, even though we have proof, they keep on forcing to take it away. There also that time that china's navy always hurting the Filipino fishermen with no reason at all. I hope time will heal you, I know it's hard but please keep on fighting for your rights and for your family also
What does she mean when she said 90% pregnant????
there was a 90% chance she was pregnant
When it comes to the fact China has detention camps, America has them too, both countries are truly truly awful. What goes on in there, it's horrifying. And yet, all those big, rich, developed countries are doing nothing to help ppl. They sit and watch and wait and they'll keep doing it until it's too late and they are finally forced to act because those atrocities come knocking and start to impact them. As for the ppl living there, there's those who try to help, there's those who try to rebel, then there's those who are trying to survive and keep their heads down and they are always more numerous than the ones supporting their rotten governments or the ppl actively participating in the carnage.
As for the ppl spreading the propaganda about corona, get your head on straight. It's true that some small time politicians tried to prevent doctors from reporting the situation TO THE HIGHER AUTHORITIES OF CHINA, but the doctor that got the word out to the higher ups AGAIN, OF CHINA, was reworded and the ppl who tried to shut him up were arrested. China itself started handling the situation and informed the others about the virus as soon as they were made aware. They were not responsible for the worldwide spread of the virus. If there's more people dying than expected in your country, if they're suffering bcs of economic problems, that is on YOUR country. YOUR country is the one that did not take care of it's people properly. It did not take care of them, it took advantage of them and it did not plan for emergency situations as it should have.
Sorry, meant to like
Not only torturing Uygur ppl without a reason, now China is also pushing the whole world towards danger : coronavirus, hantavirus and what not..
Dictators like Hitler didn't rule forever, the Chinese one won't as well..
What happened to her is so horrible and disgusting. Especially what they did to the newborn babies. What kind of monsters are these people! I really wish I could do something to help these people. I feel so useless man
I hope everyone read this so everyone will know.