Album Tag: ship

my new OTP in feb2016. shoo cutw but yet soo dense as hell. Yona,just fall for him already,you kusogaki!! And Hak too,just snatch her from that girly-hair Soo-won,RIGHT.NOW. I'm pretty sure that Yona will fall for Soo-won back,so grab her heart tight, Hak!Make her yours! Ganbarouu~~
136 photo
07 02,2016 created

ship those two craziest char in beelzebub..kya3x o3o
hilda was soooooo demon and i love the cute hilda like OMG whyyyy tamura-sensei didnt do romance in this legend piece of a manga??!!! oga is so fucking dense but hilda too but i cant complain either cause that make the two the mangkuk ayun nak MAMPOSSSS! haish, there goes my mother language in cursing ;p TATSUGARDE for lifeeeeeeeee~~~
98 photo
29 01,2016 created

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