Album Tag: Violence

my favorite rape scenes. they’re already in the order they happen in the source material.
19 photo
05 08,2024 created

violent moments that make me feel hot inside.

hair pulling, kicking, pushing on the ground/bed, etc.
62 photo
12 07,2024 created

This album consists of images from manga with the genre action.

The order of this album is random.

The name under each image is the title where the image came from, while the number is the chapter.
16 photo
05 03,2024 created

1097 photo
01 03,2024 created

Toxic, messed up BL recommendation, we all love seeing toxic relations for a change of mood so here are some of them that I found.
1 photo
27 09,2023 created

Ao Ao likes bricks
9 photo
05 01,2020 created

Art depicting violence that makes my heart go crazy doki doki.
Blood, Gore, Horror, Pure Sadism, Violence at its best.
May includes hawt sadistic dialogues ^-^//

(*Sometimes I just take the center Page of a multiple Pages it may start/end few Pages earlier and later. Some are also super outta context. Thanks for understanding*)
76 photo
29 11,2019 created

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