Album Tag: Sweet

259 photo
05 09,2017 created

Yes, Please Laugh
109 photo
10 07,2017 created

An album for the covers of manga I like!
66 photo
09 07,2016 created

An album for all things cute, adorable and sweet!
83 photo
08 07,2016 created

46 photo
02 04,2016 created

11 photo
23 04,2016 created

The most beautiful sex scenes and tender moments I have seen so far.
7 photo
04 04,2016 created

Fluffy, sweet, really heart-warming or sad, beautiful, poetic... that makes your heart squeezing or makes you feel something in you're whole body.
Just to be clear, "heart-warming" in this album means this feeling of hurting happiness, it's so sweet that sometimes you're feeling like crying, but you're mostly like "ah, my heart..." and you can't stop smiling while saying "Ooh...".
Yes, it's important to precise here.
27 photo
21 08,2015 created

Heart-string tugging commences: Sorrow, sadness, kindness, personal connections, friendship, love, gentleness, sorrow, humanity, tragedy, saudade, etc.
379 photo
25 08,2015 created

3 photo
15 09,2015 created

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