Generally hot BDSM-related moments I haven't sorted into one particular category.
29 photo07 07,2024 created
Moments of angst and trauma that are as good as if not better than sexy kink scenes to my fucked up sadistic brain.
May include moments that feature sex, but the sex is secondary to the angst if it's in this list.
12 photoMay include moments that feature sex, but the sex is secondary to the angst if it's in this list.
06 07,2024 created
Art depicting violence that makes my heart go crazy doki doki.
Blood, Gore, Horror, Pure Sadism, Violence at its best.
May includes hawt sadistic dialogues ^-^//
(*Sometimes I just take the center Page of a multiple Pages it may start/end few Pages earlier and later. Some are also super outta context. Thanks for understanding*)
76 photoArt depicting violence that makes my heart go crazy doki doki.
Blood, Gore, Horror, Pure Sadism, Violence at its best.
May includes hawt sadistic dialogues ^-^//
(*Sometimes I just take the center Page of a multiple Pages it may start/end few Pages earlier and later. Some are also super outta context. Thanks for understanding*)
29 11,2019 created