This album contains images from manga with strong female leads, whether that be mentally strong and or physically strong.
The order of this album is random.
The name under each image is the title the image came from, while the number is the chapter.
9 photoThe order of this album is random.
The name under each image is the title the image came from, while the number is the chapter.
05 03,2024 created
I promise your Isekai thot ass that this album has good art style and color and it's all Isekai
0 photo13 09,2020 created
Everything you want in a female lead, I'm not much for weak roles and so I really enjoy manga with a good FL. They don't have to be strong strong but just someone willing to stand up for themselves. My ultimate fav is Cheating men must die!!
222 photo24 03,2020 created
Pics where girls act as boss ass bitches, and do shit their way and dont give a fuckkk
13 photo03 06,2018 created