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whats a manhwa that you think is a must read?
Flow I think, that's one of the manhwas I've read back then.
What's a extremely specific story/trope ick you have?
Ass licking and feet kissing it ick me so much that i stopped reading it and tell how dirt...
What's a extremely specific story/trope ick you have?
When a stupidly over-confident MC gets humbled in a humiliating way. Granted, it's not a b...
whats a manhwa that you think is a must read?
When I see this question...there's only one answer....(besides little mushroom) AHHHHHHHHH...
Enough about husbandos what female characters in media did you genuinely feel fo...
Would go to war for them Also we need to talk more about female mcs and gls I feel like ...

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