Sthu?! When you did a shitty work on the chapter?! When our group didn't drop this?! Not only are you rude uploading over us, but you're also being disrespectful?! I will not even lower myself to your level, I can go even lower, but your "waste of space on earth" self, is probably not ready to be slaughtered with words that most definitely do not exist in your vocabulary. Take the 2 braincells you have and go do sth useful, okay? Have a good day/night!

Okay, you stated on the translation that you KNEW this was already being translated and hadn't been dropped, admitted that you are inexperienced and that you understand if they take the chapter down and reupload theirs, and that the only reason you did this was because others were clamoring for the new chapter.
First off, we are ALWAYS clamoring for new chapters. This is nothing new. It doesn't mean that we want someone to disrespect the scan teams and have others snipe the stories they are working on. We may be an impatient lot at times, but if a team is already working on something, then THEY should be the ones uploading. If they drop it, THEN you can take it on. Otherwise, if you feel the need to translate because you are too impatient to wait, just keep that translation to yourself.
Second, the team is now officially asking you to not go over them again, and you tell them to sthu? WTH?!? YOU are the one in the wrong here.
And lastly, if you ARE going to continue to try translating things, maybe you should consider putting an actual team together, so that you have someone who can edit the pictures, and another to edit the translations so that they are actually readable. Because most of your translation doesn't even make sense. And then when you have a team together, go find mangas/manhwas and the like that are NOT already being worked on.
But please, DO NOT tell the people you are uploading over that they should sthu. You owe Hi, I'm Blue an apology!

just go and find some other manga which isn't being translated, don't disrespect translator team who work hard for the chapters. you know you're wrong so just apologize like an adult and move on. we didn't like your translation at all and now seeing that you have a shitty personality i'm just disgusted.
Guys, I’m sorry. I ain’t know it will update by the camera roll order... I thought it will rearrange lol if you want this chapter in order, dm me on insta. (0fficial.lorri)