Ch 38 summary (end of season 1)

arcticxs October 27, 2020 2:57 pm

ch 38 summary (end of season 1) - - such a bittersweet chapter!! spoilers below

Most of this chapter is visually self-explanatory, but in the Kang Il/Sooyoung convo KI commenting about SY's stubborn resilience and then threatens to rape SY to get a taste of what TS sees in him before he stabs SY in the arm. Then when Minhyuk comes to the rescue (a la stabbing KI in the stomach and asking him why he's so prone to gossip) he tells SY that he needs to pull the knife out and that he'll be alright. After pulling the knife out of SY Minhyuk asks Sangchul where Taesung is and SC responds that he should know that TS is keeping a low profile, but he'll probably be here soon.

AND THEN we cut to the henchman who sold out SY running for his life thinking that he royally fucked up and needs to get out Korea. Cue our Boss Daddy strutting in dragging the dead henchmen in his hand and asking SC why he didn't follow his orders to watch and wait. Then when he sees Sooyoung he goes immediately over him, takes him from MH, and bridal carries him saying "Sooyoung, let's go. I'm here to pick you up. It's going to be alright." (WOW my heart)

Then we get to SY's final thoughts as he's being carried away which are [In my fading consciousness, I could feel my body clinging to this burning heat. A rope I could hold fell into my hands — and with it a feeling of relief washed over me, and I was able to completely close my eyes.] as he drifts into unconsciousness.


And end season 1! Kudos to the author who was able to put out such amazing work despite running into some health issues (which I hope she takes all the time she needs to recover before season 2). I'm SO happy that MH, SC, and TS arrived on time to save SY, but poor SY -- first his leg and now his arm....I JUST WANT HIM TO BE SAFE!!! ;_; Minhyuk's somber expressions while saving SY were beautifully drawn, and it makes me wonder if he's still gunning for SY knowing full well that SY and TS clearly have feelings for each other. Taesung coming in like the boss that he is was such a sight, and I audibly squealed when he went straight to SY to whisk him away from MH.

I'm hoping in S2 we get some hurt/comfort moments with TS/SY while SY is recovering and more revelations on their high school backstory. This is such an incredible series and I'm sad about the Korean hiatus, but at least there's still the English chapters to catch-up to that will hopefully provide better translations than I did XD

Until season 2! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Bella October 27, 2020 3:44 pm

    Thank you for the summary (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Yuri October 27, 2020 4:42 pm

    Can I marry you... Nd be my life long translater... (▰˘◡˘▰) bdw thank you so much for your efforts

    Zenitsu October 27, 2020 7:36 pm

    Tqsm for the summary. I love how TS x SY progress. Its been amazing to witness.

    I think Minhyuk kinda doesnt stand a chance because Sooyoung's likes Taeseung & Taeseung maturity in his way approaching Sooyoung is a perfect match for him.

    Kiko October 28, 2020 4:13 am

    Thank you sm