Hey everyone. Same thing! Please go to start from Part 1 if you we’re not following alon...

Spoiler provider part 4!!!! (K October 10, 2020 9:20 pm

Hey everyone. Same thing! Please go to start from Part 1 if you we’re not following along ヾ(☆▽☆)

Spoilers below


Len and Ciel VS The Grand Duke:

Bastache Mansion.

"I've heard he's strong, but I didn't know he was this strong.” James, the commander of the 2nd Infantry Division, still shook his hands at the vibration that had been reported at the moment he hit the sword. Len was a wild beast who was not tamed.

Regardless of the type and size of the sword, the sword was wielded with an animal feel. It was very tricky.

"Kuck." No, I'm glad it's tricky. The Duke knights were helpless against the unpredictable sword.
The knights were killed by Len's sword to the point where even his reputation as the best knight in the Empire was overshadowed.
It was the leader of the 2nd Infantry Division, James, who was in a difficult situation to overcome even a single Len.

The situation in the rear was not much different.
"The Imperial Guards were this strong?" Fellin, commander of the 1st Division, spoke out unexpectedly against strong enemy resistance.
Little has been known to the public about the strength of the newly established Imperial Guard.

"No, the sword work of the Imperial Guard isn't that great. The great thing is, the Crown Prince.” Fellin, commander of the 1st Division, calmly grasped the situation. Objectively speaking, the sword of the Imperial Guard is not very good. Nevertheless, the first knights of the Grand Park were losing ground. It was Ciel who made the difference.

If Len was being supported to play his best in the military, Ciel, on the contrary, focused on doubling the potential of the Royal Guard based on his sword skills.

He sought the emergency situation of the members of the Imperial Guard.
Ciel adopted his outstanding leadership and cared not to let the siege collapse.

"It's like maggots wriggling." Veronica twisted her lips with an unwell look. She was surprised by the performance of Ciel and Len against the Knights of the Grand Duke.


Then Len ran out at a tremendous speed, kicking the ground.
In an instant, the distance narrowed, and the blade of Len's sword, which flew like a flying hawk, was falling to the point of breaking Veronica in two.

It was a perfect surprise. There were two knights escorting Veronica, but they couldn't even respond.
Len grinned at Veronica, who was gripped by the fear of death. The tip of Len's sword touched her collar as if it had pierced Veronica’s heart like a skewer.

Veronica instinctively closed her eyes tightly.

The heavy tremor that came up on the edge of the sword rang heavily over Len's whole body. The tip of the sword, which should have blossomed into the heart, was struck by something unfamiliar and lost its direction.

Len's body, which had been floating in the air, also twitched out.
Near Veronica, there was a sword with a symbol of the great Dychy. This was the famous sword of the Empire, known as the Flanderge of the Duke of Franches.

"It was a decent surprise." Grand Duke Franches evaluated Len's sword as if to teach.

"What is this development? I thought you were an old man in the back room, but that's not it?" Len used the sword as a support and raised himself elastically.

So far, he had been engaged in numerous articles and battles, but he had never seen such a heavy sword.
Veronica reacted more furiously, perhaps ashamed of her intimidated appearance.

"You're crazy, aren't you? How dare you try to kill me?"

“Crazy b!tch is you.” Len retorted with a shrug. At the same time, his eyes did not fall from Grand Duke Franches.
The strength of the Grand Duke of Franche was real.
'I can't guarantee a win,' said Ren, who had the sword in his hands.

"You're such a bugger... ...daddy, please do something about him. I can't stand it anymore," said Veronica, who had been struggling, grumbled at the Duke of Frances.

"I was about to," said Grand Duke Franche, getting off the horse and stepping on the ground.
"Handle," said Xian, who led the Imperial Guard in the rear of the palace and was fighting fiercely, suddenly stood beside Len. “Can I?”

“I'm good enough by myself. Why are you coming in so suddenly? I want to vent my anger on my uncle."

"I agree with you."
Len and Ciel looked directly at the Grand Duke of Frances as if they had promised.

Pellin, the 1st Division commander, and James, the 2nd Division commander, stood on both sides of Grand Duke Frances, who previously faced Ciel and Len and recognized that they were formidable opponents.

“Stay away. Get away from me” the two knighthoods, swallowing their concerns, backed away with the irrevocable authority of the Grand Duke of Franches.

They began to move to exterminate the Imperial palace guard battalion and the Bastache family, whose balance had been broken with the absence of Len and Ciel.

"We need to get the Duke fast." Len growled as he was coming at the Grand Duke of Franches.
Grand Duke Frances provoked with his arms wide open.

"Your Highness, what are you standing still for? If you kill me, isn't that the game over? Come."

"If you want." Ciel rushed.

“'Let's go together.” Len kicked his teeth.

They narrowed the distance at once, followed by a series of collisions.
Despite being the first time to work together today, Len and Ciel pushed the Grand Duke of Franches like a long-time collaborator.

When Len used animal senses and instinct to drive the Sword Storm, Ciel's pursuit of the traditional Imperial swords mastering by aiming at loopholes with minimal movement.

But there was something else. It was a marvellous swordsmanship by the Duke of Franches, who responded in spite of a remarkable level of inspection.

"What, this monster?" Len and Ciel were amazed as the fight continued.

Strangely, the burden and overload felt by the body were greatly increased in Ciel’s and Len’s.

"I'll admit it. They're both pretty good," Grand Duke Franches calmly took the two men's onslaught without a change of expression.

"Where's the evaluation? You're about to die."

"Your swordsmanship relies on instinct."

"What should I do?"
As soon as Len's blow was blocked, Ciel pushed the sword into the side. It was a stabbing without any lumps to the point where it was believed to be a movement. However, Grand Duke Frances turned and attacked.

"The Prince's black standard," said Grand Duke Franche, spinning his body and kicking it with his weight. Surprised by the unexpected attack, Ciel reflexively blocked both arms.
Ciel's body was pushed back with a dull sound.

After shaking off Ciel, Grand Duke Franche did not stop and struck the sword like a thunderbolt at Len.
"Uh," groans flowed out of Len's mouth.
The force caused the legs to wobble. If he hadn't laid down the blade with both hands, he might have been cut off by half.

The moment he thought he had managed to stop it, Grand Duke Franches kicked Ren in the abdomen, who was exposed. The internal pain almost made him dizzy.

In the meantime, they would have been killed if they didn't keep their distance instinctively. Len spat out the blood stuck in his mouth.
Grand Duke Frances looked down on Ciel and Len, who stared at them as if he was going to kill them.

"Prayer to the heavens. You met me before your talents blossomed."
Grand Duke Franches, which had so far focused on defense, has changed.
The unrefined flesh was as sharp as to cut off everything without leaving any shape.

Ciel and Len took a deep breath and posed. There was no place to retreat. It was a death-or-live struggle.


Joining forces:

"Support Your Majesty! Kill the Great Duke that caused the Rebellion!" The Knights led by Count Lyndon joined in a timely manner.
Under his brilliant tactics, the Imperial Guard, which had been concentrated in inferiority, revived its momentum.

The 1st Knights faltered and casualties began to increase.
“Hurelbard?!” The knights of the Grand Duke opened their eyes when they found Hurrelbad running.
“That loser!”
“A traitor who doesn't even know the honor of the knight. You will be killed with my own hands,"

Hurrelbad ran forward without hesitation, as if he had not even felt the need for a reply.
With hostility, he rejected the knights who blocked him without hesitation.

It was in front of Ciel and Len who exchanged a battle with Grand Duke Frances where Hurelbad, who broke through the center with a marvelous technique, stopped

"I'm sorry. I've stopped splashing blood when I care."
"Don't say that. This is a battlefield."
A slender woman, on a saddle that was supposed to be empty, covered in a robe, hugged Hurelbad's back and hid herself.

When she reached out her white hand and leaned back her robe, she revealed her tight red feet and bare face.
"This is how I see you, Father, no, Grand Duke Franches."

"You." The eyes of Grand Duke Frances, who faced a great woman who once lived as her daughter on behalf of Veronica, became thin.

She was the one who shook the Grand Duchy. It was Elena, the hostess of Salon, who now enjoyed her reputation on the continent as well as the empire.
Elena's eyes curled like a crescent moon. Her heart shook uncontrollably. In the past life, the eyes of them looking at Elena came back to mind.
The cold touch that stole Ian, the contemptuous look of the bug.

“Would you believe me if I said I wanted you to be my biological father?”
Only then did she realize it. She was on the same page as him. She no longer struggled to look up at them.

Grand Duke Franches spread out his arms and acted like a caring father.
"So am I. Then, would you embrace your father?"

"I might stab you in the heart. Would that be okay?" Elena grinned as she pulled the dagger out of the leather sheath on her thigh.

Grand Duke Franches burst into a low laugh, and soon his face hardened.
"Is the Duke of Wheat dead?"

"It's the Imperial Law to rule against treason." Elena smiled and hardened his mind.

Leaving Grand Duke Franches behind, Veronica drove forward.
"Welcome. You've saved me the trouble of visiting."


"You, the Crown Prince, Len. I'm not just gonna kill you. I'll make you feel how terrible it is to live." Veronica smiled gruesomely as she alternated with Elena, Ciel and Len with hateful eyes.
The mere imagination of pulling three people's fingernails, crushing bones, and cutting off the limbs made her spine ache.

“Amazing,” said Grand Duke Franches calmly. "The Crown Prince or Len was born with more than what was seen. Identity, lineage, person. They made me stand up to them."

But the two eyes of Grand Duke Frances were fixed to Elena.
"Unlike those two, you were empty-handed. a mere fringe of no connection Then you struck out Leabrick and drove me all the way here."

“Because you were desperate,” Elena retorted.
'Because you took Ian away.'

"Fear that you were born in the same era as me." Grand Duke Franches, who made eye contact with Elena, has changed. An intangible life resembling the storm of the blade swirled toward Elena.

Elena's face turned white. She was suffocated. Although she suffered from labor pains, her weak physical limitations were beyond his control.

"I think you'd better stand back.”

“Hey, this is cheating.”

“Are you all right, miss?”
Elena's breathing regained stability. In a moment,Ciel, Len, and Hurelbad stepped up and blocked her with their lives, regardless of who was first.

She didn't know exactly what had happened, but she could tell that the three men had protected her from the Grand Duke.

“Thank you,” said Elena, with a faint smile hanging around her mouth. "All three of you, thank you for trusting me and following me. You've made it this far."

“'What, that pessimistic sentiment? It's like we're going to have to die." Despite Len's slickness, Elena didn't lose her smile.

“There won't be such an end.”

“Of course,” said Xian firmly, as if he didn't need a grain of consideration.

With a serene glance, Hurelbad expressed his loyalty towards Elena. Elena gave her last words of encouragement to the three.

"It's the turning point of the times. Will it change or continue. It's in the hands of three people."

“I'll prove it.”

“She keeps putting pressure on me. I want to do my best.”

“Yes, miss.”

Ciel, Len and Hurelbad went forward, fixing the sword.

It was a final battle. Elena's palm, which had no choice but to watch from afar, was damp with sweat. Trust in the three was absolute, but she couldn't help but feel nervous about it.

First Division Commander Felin was having a hard time dealing with Count Lyndon.
In the meantime, Ciel and Len attacked and pressed Duke Franches. They weren't overwhelmed by the monster dance, but they weren't pushed back.

Grand Duke Franches' unorthodox, monstrous strength transcended Elena's common sense. It was also understandable why May's surprise assassination failed.

His power, which is equivalent to Len, the wilderness wolf, and Ciel, the crown prince. She didn't want to admit it, but Grand Duke Franches was clearly the superhuman born of heaven.

Back to Hurelbad, he pushed mercilessly, gaining the upper hand against James, the 2nd Division Commander. James, seemed embarrassed by the swordsmanship that overwhelmed him.

Elena's faith gradually became a reality. A sword stuck in James' chest, who was struggling to defend against Hurelbad's onslaught.

"I can't believe it." The eyes of the Duke of Frances were awakened. The commander of the 2nd Infantry Division was not just a title that can be attached. James was killed in vain.
By a knight of the common people.

"I'm tired of it. It's worth Leabrick." The gaze of Grand Duke Frances did not fall from Elena. It was amazing how Eleena, who recognized the potential of Hurelbad, who he had not even noticed, appointed him as a knight.


The turning point:

"I'll help you."
When Hurelbad, who overpowered James, joined the attack, the lead quickly changed.

With the addition of animal and instinctive Ren's swordsmanship, the complete swordsmanship of Ciel, and the practical swordsmanship of Hurelbad, who was aiming for the core, even the Great Duke Franches, who was close tosuperman, had no resources to endure.

In addition, the three men's cooperation was so perfect that it was doubtful whether they had been working together for decades.
"Your Highness!" Several knights jumped in to help the defensive Grand Duke of Frances, but they were not enough.

It was rather cumbersome and unhelpful to see the confrontation between those of different levels of strength.

"Father," Veronica bit her fingernails hard as Grand Duke Franches was pushed back. Her lips dried with extreme nervousness.
She was worried that the worst ending she had never thought about would come true.

The Grand Duke Franches’ face had lost its composure. It was a miscalculation. He did not expect that there would be an even a strong man, as Ciel and Len, who was hard to be born in one era.

The desperation to lose everything made Grand Duke Frances keep fretting. It would be all over when he died.
They concentrated on defense and waited for the Grand Duke to lose his strength, rather than onslaughting him.

"Ha, ha." Grand Duke Franches' breath ran out of breath.
As he lost my physical strength, the sword tips were piling up a little by little.

The evidence was that small wounds increased.

"Kirsten, Farrell! Help me, come on!" Urgent Grand Duke Franches summoned knights fighting.
Even if the difference in skills was not a big help, it might bought a moment of time.

But the three did not even allow it.

A final blow was made.
Ciel's sword pierced the left breast of Grand Duke Franches.
Len's sword cut his back diagonally, drawing a trajectory.
Hurrelbad, who was aiming for a crack, cut the blood vessels in his neck.

"Ah, Father!" A fountain of blood sprang from the body of Grand Duke Franches at the same time as Veronica's cry.

Grand Duke Franches staggered, grabbing himself by the nape. He struggled to stop the blood flow between his hands.

It was a lingering struggle.

The look of death.

Despite the pathetic gesture to live, the sobbing body collapsed and was thrown out.

Grand Duke Franches' fingers, stretched out on the ground, wriggled.
As if he could not die like this, his body, which was staring at Elena, was drained.

He died with his bloodshot eyes open.

"The Grand Duke," Elena did not take her eyes off him until the last breath of his life. "You're no different. That's what it's like to die,"
Elena, with a calm look, looked at him in the eyes.

Death was not a long story. Because everyone was the same.
Furthermore, Grand Duke Franches was the head of the Grand Duchy, which was called the heaven of the Empire.

The more you had to lose, the stronger your attachment to life.

It was only a few seconds before he lost his breath, but the despair he would have felt at that moment would have been too great to be expressed in words.


Desperate Veronica:

"No. It can't be. Does this make sense? Wake up. What are you doing? Come on, get up and kill the ashes!" Veronica, who got off the horse, screamed as if to deny reality.

Even as she approached his father with slow steps, Grand Duke Franches did not budge.

"Grand, Grand Duke!"
Felin, the 1st Division Commander, belatedly recognized the death of the Lord, turned his back on Count Lyndon. The latter did not miss the gap and drew the sword diagonally from Felin's shoulder to his side.
Fellin, who was reeling from a ragged body, fell to his side and died.

The Knights of the Grand Duke were shaken as if they had lost their fighting will when the Fellin and James were all dead.

"Rebel, I will cut you if you resist."
When Ciel came forward and threatened them, the knights of the Grand Duchy, who had lost their will, surrendered, throwing away the sword.

Veronica shouted as she watched the scene.
"Are you crazy? What are you doing! Raise your sword again! I'm Veronica von Friedrich. I’m alive. Look. I'm the new Grand Duke. So grab the sword. Come on!"

"Hey, sister. That's enough, isn't it? You’re really ugly right now." Veronica trembled as Len giggled sarcastically.

"Can't you hear me!" Despite Veronica's orders, the knights kept their heads down and did not hold the sword again.
Veronica had never given them any trust. They didn't want to risk their lives just because she was the same blood at the Grand Duke.

"I'm sorry. Her Highness the Princess."

"There is no point in any more fighting."
The knights turned away.

Veronica was beset at the sight.
"Those bastards! You're putting the sword on the ground when the Lord is dead? You guys are still knights? Can you say the Knights of the Friedrich family?"

"Stop it, will you? Don't be so nasty."

"Shut up." Veronica glared at Len as if to kill him. There is nothing but evil left for her now.

Even the Grand Duke of Franches, who had been firmly guarding her, and the Knights, who had been her junior, turned around, and the solitude as she was being left alone in the vast sea was eating her.

"It's because of L. It's because of you." Veronica pulled out the Dagger from her waist and glared as if she were going to kill Elena.
It was a sword that was close to decoration, but it was threatening enough because the blade was standing.

"Veronica," Elena got off the horse, calling her low.
Hurrelbad, who had brushed the blood off the sword, was right behind her to prepare for Veronica's unexpected situation.

"I should have killed you. This wouldn't have happened if I'd killed you four years before!"

“You couldn't have." Elena's sarcastic voice was colder than the ice.

Things had changed.
The devil laughed at Elena, who died after being exploited, and even mentioned Ian's death.
This devil was now in front of Elena in the opposite situation.

“Don't talk as if you could have.”

“You!” Veronica's eyes were turned upside down by the insulting disregard.

She picked up a sword when she couldn’t even hold it properly, and then ran towards Elena.

Len, who was ahead of Hurelbad in the back, crept in and poked out his foot.
Veronica, who had been rushing forward, tripped on her feet and fell unseen.

She turned her head and stared at Len as if she were going to kill him.

"Yee, yee!"
As Len shrugged, the gruff Veronica picked up the sword again and went on.

Only hatred remained for Elena, the culprit behind all this. But it wasn't Len to watch it still. He turned quickly and walked off again before Veronica even noticed.

This time, she fell in front of the dead body and was soaked with blood.
"Would you mind? Why do you keep getting stuck in my feet?"

“Argh!” cried Veronica, who couldn't overcome her temper. Despite such contempt, she could not even respond to such a situation, which made her angry.

Elena approached such Veronica. Hurelbad tried to step forward as if she were in danger, but Elena smiled and said it was okay.

"It had been four years. I'll make you struggle in despair enough to feel like death is a luxury.” The deep sorrow in Elena's voice was colder than the frost in the middle of winter.
She did everything to see their destruction.

"Lord, kill... ...Hyuk!" A heavy shock came from behind Veronica's neck, which was coming at Elena.
In a moment's notice, Len knocked out her vital points, which were almost defenseless.

“She was so noisy.”

“Good job.” Elena had nothing more to do with Veronica.


The Aftermath! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧: (Ciel, Sian, Xion, Xian are used interchangeably remember)

Ciel commanded the Imperial Guards and covered the Knights of the Grand Palace. Although the Grand Duchy lost its central point, he couldn't relax because he didn't know how the remnants of the Grand Duke would turn.

"I must go to the Imperial Palace." Ciel was thinking of reclaiming the palace that had been swept away by the Grand Duke before sunrise.

The Body of the Emperor Richard, who chose to make a noble sacrifice, was also there. He had to patch it up.

They should hold a meeting of the nobility to publicize the Duke activities and regain the initiative of the political situation.

“Your Grace, wait a moment!” Elena hurriedly called up Ciel

“What's wrong?”

“You got a stop to make before you go to the palace.”

“'Where..? Aah!”

Elena nodded as Xian responded as if something had come to mind.

"Go to the Duke of Wheat.” He didn't have to hesitate as long as he was sure of his treason.
Breaking the centuries-old balance between the Great Duchy and the four largest families.

"You're really....." Even in this situation, Ciel was speechless at Elena's vision of reading the Empire with a cool and rational judgment.

The thought flashed across his mind.
If she became a member of the imperial family and performed her capacity, wouldn't the empire enjoy a peaceful era?

Ciel, without hesitating, took command of the Imperial Guard and set off at the Duke of Wheat’s mansion.
Len grinned at Elena

“She's so smart.”
“Are you drunk?”
“That's what you call smart.”

“I don't have the power to play with words. Go ahead and clean up the mess up. I'm going back to the saloon... ..."

At the moment Elena stumbled as if she had felt dizzy. When surprised Hurelbad was about to help, Len burst in and hugged Elena's waist.

No matter how shrewd and fast he was, Hurrelbad couldn't even afford to do anything.

“What's wrong? Are you sick?”

“I'm a little dizzy. I guess I'm relaxed."

She was smiling faintly, but Elena's face was pale.
It was a life that came only for revenge. She seemed rational and perfectly calm, but she had always lived narrowly through limits.

Therefore, it was natural that tension was relieved and mental exhaustion came.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to sleep a little.”

It was not easy for a healthy person to maintain the war’s spirit, which was full of blood and flesh and was full of death.
It was a miracle that she’d endured so far.

"Where is she sleeping?" Unlike his words, Len was careful that Elena might wake up.

But Hurelbad didn't listen.
“I'll take her to the salon.”

But Len hugged Elena if he didn’t have any intention of handing her over. In the most amiable manner.
Len grinned at Elena, who was fast asleep. The empire's sky was turned upside down.

It was the first time that Grand Duke Franches attacked the palace and killed the emperor. Although she failed to stop the death of Emperor Richard, the response of Crown Prince Ciel and the Imperial Guard was dazzling.




'Ciel and the Imperial Guard, who returned to the capital in a hurry after receiving information that a rebellion was being plotted, occupied the grand palace and succeeded in killing Grand Duke Franches. In addition, he killed the Duke of Wheat and even overpowered the Wheat family. '

The nobles were astonished. The collapse of the Great Duchy since the founding of the Empire suggested a lot to the nobles.
The axis of the empire, which used to be centered on aristocrats, was transferred to the imperial power.
The shocking news continued.

Len Bastache, who was buried due to his disappearance, returned and took control of the family.

As rumors turned out to be true that Len helped to bring down the Grand Duchy in line with Ciel, his position as the next generation of emerging aristocrats had also been solidified.

Everything else went according to the rules. Ciel dispatched the Imperial Guard to seize the Great Duchy and the Wheat’s dukedom.
He also searched the mansion thoroughly and seized the assets by using his own method. Ciel wrapped up what was related to the treason and held the funeral of Emperor Richard.

In the meantime, the government had to tighten its belt due to the poor finances of the imperial family, but it was not unreasonable to return the assets of the families who committed treason to the State Coffers.

Veronica was imprisoned in a dungeon of the Imperial palace.
Her death after Franches’ treason became a foregone conclusion. However, it was only possible to assume that she would be executed after the Emperor Richard’s funeral.

And that concludes the novel. I will give more details on the academy arc where Ciel and Elena meet, plus Raphael!! (He is a male lead!) in part 5!

    Kaito.Hat October 11, 2020 12:30 am

    I'm not gonna read it and mute this thread if others reply, but I just want to say thanks for marking your spoilers I already got spoiled on something I didn't want to know because some people have been spamming spoilers without prompt or warning :/, so thanks for the courtesy! I hope others follow your lead