I don't think Nadan is really dead (unless they've shown his boies in the spoilers) because he did say to just keep up the charade that he's dead even after Suu is no longer useful too the high ranking official.

I think Sahara killed the old king so that Jin would be locked into sticking around now to become king. He can't pursue Suu with the king dead. So Sahara goes off to be with Suu and they escape together and leave the capitol at last.
Suu is a little sad to leave Jin even though he hates him. Jin seems upset that Suu has escaped him. Even though he now has a very good chance of getting the throne his clenched fist suggests he is very upset to have lost Suu to Suhara.

Well if Nadan comes back at a pivotal point in the story, Suu would probably be pretty fucked up thinking Nadan pretended to be dead to get away from him.
I feel bad for Nadan getting dragged into Suu's mess. But I also feel bad for Suu despite the fact that Suu pursued this dangerous path himself.
If I were Suu, I'd just eat Nadan if he comes back alive.
Ok, so I caved and read the raws.
major, major spoilers.
Please DO NOT read this if you don't want to know what happens next. The only reason I'm commenting is because I am very stressed by the turn of events.
So, after the prince gets suspicion of the consort and Suu's plan, he breaks Suu's leg, so that Suu cannot move, and goes to kill Saharah, throwing Saharah, stabbed, into the lake. Suu runs after them, and the prince reminds Suu that his memories have been taken, and that he is the crown prince. Suu, of course, loses it. Some punches are thrown, but then Suu is pulled down into the water by some monster tentacle thing. He eventually emerges and is taken back to the rooms. When he wakes up, a spy servant tells him that Nadan is dead. Suu is now a dragon and kills the servant because of his hunger (the same Saharah had). The Prince has him chained to the bed and, because Suu now needs human energy, they have sex, but at this point, Suu really hates the prince, and for obvious reasons.
Still going through with the consort's plan to kill the prince, Suu asks the prince to invite him to the consort's dinner party. Suu poison's the prince's cup, but right as the prince is about to drink, Suu knocks the cup from his hand. Suu looks over to the consort, panicked, and in an intense, heated moment, the prince realized what happened. Suu is about to excuse himself, but the prince demands that he stays, knowing that if Suu were to be left alone, he could easily be assassinated for betraying the consort.
Chaos erupts in the hall as the betrayed consort declares that Suu attempted to kill the prince. The prince attempts to control the chaos, but the damage is already done and a team of guards go after Suu. While Suu is outside with nowhere to run, Saharah appears. The crowd, shocked, stops their pursuit. Suu, however, continued to run and runs to the wagon that the consort promised to him (the one that would take him and the would-be Nadan out of the city and to safety). The wagon driver, however, lures Suu into the wagon and attempts to kill Suu.
Meanwhile, Saharah shows off some impressive displays of power, killing someone, and then vanished in search of Suu. He finds Suu in the wagon, Suu having killed off the driver, and they share a tearful embrace.
All caught up. So, in all of this, I am pretty upset that Nadan is dead. I didn't even really like Nadan, he didn't have much of a character, but I knew how much he meant to Suu. He reminded Suu of a happy, normal, life to fight for, and that was taken away. I'm not really surprised by the prince's actions, and I do believe that he loves Suu... I guess that's enough i have to say about that for now.
I am just surprised that there are many readers who do not understand where Suu is coming from, and to those, I highly suggest a re-read.
I just hope he gets a happy ending. He's been through a lot.