You expressed my gut feelings so well... :'( I liked seeing Uncle Pan and Qiu bond with each other. I haven't really found the time and energy to fully appreciate LiHuan and YuYang after they got together. And now I'm sensing sadness for Huan Wen, when Yuan might be giving a call-out to his female crush next chapter... (/TДT)/
I was not a fan of Uncle Pan leaving Qiu without saying a word, and then ignoring Qiu's phone calls... I can see that Uncle Pan now has absolutely no strings attached to his ex, now that it's clear they're used to each other without the emotions. But I couldn't help feeling bad for Qiu, when our young boy waited at the bar, not knowing where our Uncle went... I really hope Uncle Pan figures out his own feelings soon, because I don't want Qiu to be hurt... :'(
If Uncle Pan chooses to be with Qiu, I want to see a ton of effort from our elder! Qiu has done all the chasing, and I want our youngster to feel incredibly loved.

I like that by phrasing Qiu as naive, and Uncle Pan as numb... It reminded me why I looked forward to this pair! They can offer insights that the other doesn't currently have :) I want Uncle Pan to believe in love again. Uncle Pan claims he kissed Qiu in the heat of the moment, not out of reciprocated feelings, which I'm not too sure I believe...
Personally, I didn't like knowing that Uncle Pan just disappeared, to stay at his ex's place lol. Qiu called more than once, and he really couldn't find the time to just call back? Or, AT LEAST, send a text message?! Despite being ignored, Qiu still waited at Uncle Pan's bar for who knows how long... :/ That's patience!
In a sense...I feel bad for Qiu. Qiu has been taking Uncle Pan seriously, and I don't feel that same level of seriousness in return... :/ Qiu has cut off ties with his exes as potential lovers. Meanwhile, Uncle Pan left the country and had sex with his ex, and then he came back without even THINKING of Qiu! If Uncle Pan didn't stop by the bar, does that mean Qiu would have waited another day or so to get a call? ><
I thought it was clear by now that Qiu took Uncle Pan seriously. It's not everyday you hear someone, share from their heart, that they want your attention lol. Even if you're not sure, it doesn't hurt to tell the person, "Thank you for your honesty. I need some time to think," not disappear and make them anxious... =/
I totally saw Qiu's perspective, since in his eyes, he and Uncle Pan were getting to know each other. That's why Uncle Pan even gave Qiu a chance. It wasn't explicitly stated, but I don't think Qiu expected Uncle Pan to experiment with the ex either...?? I'd feel hurt if I were in Qiu's position because it's a, "I've been thinking of you all this time, and now you tell me you went to another country and fucked your ex?" I know that it was a way to get clarity and cut all ties, but seriously... That could have been approached so, so differently :/
I don't understand DJun's characterization of Uncle Pan lol. What happened to Uncle Pan telling Qiu to be responsible and mindful of consequences? Why didn't Uncle Pan think of Qiu's feelings, even for a split second? :/ It's like Uncle Pan is a different person.

Omg you said it so perfectly.It crushed me with the rebound sex with the ex . i mean there is so many other way to test your feelings ,thoughts and etc . But noooo you gotta do the worst way in the worst time ever . I feel uncle is just toying with the kid for passage of time and maybe a life lesson in the hurtful way for qiu. Still got me little sad and hurt by the whole sex with the ex thing. I couldnt enjoy my babys getting lovy dovy at all ┗( T﹏T )┛
And yeah exacly uncle been so thoughtful for everyone in this story even the kid girlfriends except qiu! like he wants to take revenge of the kid for being naive and simple the thing that uncle lost so long a go his some how changing character #-.-)

Haha! I'm amazed because our minds clicked! I was just thinking of elaborating, and then I refreshed the page and you JUST posted!! XDD If we were on the phone, you would hear my frustration. I really liked this couple, during that time when DJun gave us no screen-time for LiHuan and YuYang. (I might even say they're my favourite haha!)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who was hurt about Uncle Pan having sex with his ex. They honestly couldn't just go on dates, to see if they can still be together?? Maybe a coffee or a movie date? Why was it automatically sex? There didn't seem to be a passionate vibe floating around... We haven't seen Qiu in bed, but I can already imagine how passionate and genuine Qiu would be. Qiu would give all his affection to Uncle Pan, and I hope Uncle Pan doesn't think sex is just physical work either... >< Like you phrased it nicely, "i mean there is so many other way to test your feelings , thoughts and etc . But noooo you gotta do the worst way in the worst time ever ." Does Uncle Pan only view romantic relationships = sex?? I know Qiu wanted to try being with Uncle Pan and the youngster suggested exploring sex, but you can totally see that this pair ain't all about sex lol. They built a connection while they bonded.
Did Uncle Pan's character change after going to Japan??? LOL. Where did our Uncle, the person who listens to YuYang's conflicting emotions, and had the patience to teach Qiu life skills, go?? xDD I thought being responsible means caring for people's feelings too. Qiu didn't toy around with anyone while he was getting to know Uncle Pan, so why didn't Uncle Pan do the same thing? I thought it was expected that you have your eyes on that person only when you're getting to know them, unless it's obvious to both parties it's okay to not do that .______.
If Uncle Pan won't take Qiu seriously, I don't want our youngster's time to be wasted, waiting for someone who won't take him seriously... :/ It's honestly ageism if you keep using their (younger) age against them, Uncle!! Like seriously. I reread the Uncle Pan and Qiu moments this chapter (101), and Uncle Pan automatically rejected Qiu's question of getting together, "To be your father? Sorry, but I have no interest in adopting a kid." ;------; IS THERE NO ROMANTIC LENS HERE? HELLO?? Is it everyday people kiss their "father" on the lips?? LOL, and they take that said father out on a romantic date for that father's birthday?? I found that plain rude. Yet, Qiu still repeated that he likes Uncle Pan. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
(If Uncle Pan won't date Qiu, let me date him haha!! XDD)

I just saw this response from my mangago notifications. I didn't refresh the page again after I saw your comment before this response. xD
I'm hoping we don't have drama... ;-----; That would make me SO sad!! Qiu knows he's happy with Uncle Pan, and I totally see where our youngster is coming from about, "Weren't you also happy when we were hanging out together? Isn't that good enough? You won't lose anything anyway." <-- BRAVO TO MY BOY!! Look at that assertion, his CONFIDENCE to speak from his heart!! Why can't they just be happy?? Live in the moment?? 'Cause if Uncle Pan rejects Qiu, he's going to regret it someday!! ;------;
And we all know Uncle Pan likes hanging out with Qiu. Uncle Pan's not certain about his feelings, but there has to be SOMETHING (an attraction, at the very least) to just not notice time flying by and kissing them .______. How often is it you go grocery shopping with somebody, and then you bring them to your apartment for them to cook and eat together?? For them to stay over at your apartment, without a set deadline??

The thing is im pretty sure uncle like the kid but as much as the feelings for both of them is growing unlike qiu ,uncle is looking for easy way out of getting deep with qiu . Im sure the rebound sex was all about self conrol of so many levels and aspects for uncle but its a perfect material for huge misunderstanding for qiu and uncle acts ganna hurt him bad but what else can we get when a scared or maybe slightly emotionally traumatised grownup get attached to a new in being serious in relationships kid . ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Hopefully qiu doesn't get a heartbreak and uncle being regretful #-.-)

I can understand why you guys ship them and why he did that. But I'm an empathetic person. I often put myself in other shoes and sometimes that hurts me not only in real life but also through comic. So when I see Pan running away from his feelings and sleeping around, while redhead is getting neglected. I feel for redhead. I felt betrayed and can't help but putting myself in his shoes. I would be devastated if someone I have an unclear relationship with ( like half-way in a relationship but not there yet), left me hanging and slept with his ex, then come back and kiss me while thinking of playing along with it. It will break my heart

Thank you for putting my thought into such a well-rounded speech. I am a very empathetic person, and reading through this chapter makes me so disappointed. I can't help but put myself into redhead's shoes. The thoughts of someone I cared about did this to me crushed my heart. I feel like the uncle suddenly becomes a douche/ hypocrite/ double standard? He preached to redhead tons of things but he, himself did exactly what redhead did before. If he is not sure, tell the kid. If he doesn't want a relationship, stop it . Why kiss him, why gives him hope? Then thinking about playing along with it. I find that's unsettling. I hope they won't become a couple, redhead will find someone else or if they do, Pan has to change, start to chase after redhead in return.

You and I are sharing the same perspective. Uncle Pan is fond of Qiu, which was clear to all of us... Uncle Pan thanked Qiu for celebrating our elder's birthday, and even though Uncle Pan was surprised by Qiu's sudden kiss, both parties didn't hate it. I liked that our Uncle was experiencing the sweetness of a date again. Simple moments like that indeed brought joy to our Uncle.
It's true that if Uncle Pan decides to date Qiu, then Uncle's sense of self-control may be gone... :/ There was indeed a lot of control when Uncle chose to go to Japan and experience being with his ex again. I hope -if Qiu does learn about Uncle going to Japan and having sex with an ex- Qiu doesn't interpret what happened as, "You don't care about me and my feelings; you didn't consider me at all while you were having fun with your ex. I thought you and I were taking this seriously, during the moments we spent getting to know each other... I guess that was all my misunderstanding" (/TДT)/ And then Qiu stops going to the bar, and then Uncle gets sad...
I hope ending all possibilities with his ex, was a wake-up call for Uncle Pan to approach love courageously. When the feelings are there, they are there! It might not be like the past where Uncle Pan and his ex broke up because they were moving onto different paths, without wanting to compromise for each other.

I totally see what you mean. @Ravrav and I were talking about expecting an equal level of commitment. None of us expected Uncle Pan to disregard Qiu's feelings, by leaving the country and having sex with an ex. I would feel hurt, if I didn't know where the heck my crush (whom knows I want to date him lol!!) went, and nobody knows where he went either! So, I'm there, waiting and waiting... And then when I see him again, he acts casual ;-----; I was anxious and worried!! What if something happened to him? Or, what if I felt like he left me for good, but I still wanted an answer from him?? At this point, Qiu just wants to know if Uncle Pan wants to date seriously or not: just answer yes or no lol. PLEASE!

Yeah, it is frustrating when two people have feelings for each other, and there are misunderstandings for them to overcome lol. I can imagine that these kinds of situations can totally happen to people in real life. I feel annoyed and it's complicated for us to read, but to think in a positive light... Maybe these struggles will help Uncle Pan and Qiu reinforce their feelings for each other, and to assert more communication? 'Cause I really like that Qiu says what's on his mind without fear, and Uncle Pan is an active listener; tries to see where people are coming from, without forcing his own views on others :-)
Qiu grew up from being with Uncle Pan. There's an overall tone in this story that Qiu used to date people to have fun, but he didn't seem to fall deeply in love with anyone. (I still remember those comments where people hoped Qiu would not hurt Uncle Pan lol, since our youngster had the playboy tag on him xD) What a turn of events to see Qiu fall in love, and Uncle Pan might be the one to break our youngster's heart. Maybe Uncle Pan isn't ready for a committed relationship? But regardless, communication is key <33 Please do not give us a repeat of YuYang and LiHuan dancing around each other lol
I left the comment after reading the raws before that I don't ship redhead and uncle Pan. After I understand the chapter, I really don't like the ship. I think he should go back with his ex. Uncle Pan is a complicated guy, their age difference. He preached redhead for playing around but he can't decide his feelings for himself either. He is a free guy and can do whatever he wants. I don't like he ignored all the calls ( but that's fine).
HOWEVER, kissing someone who clearly showed that they are interested in him while he is not. IS NOT OK! He is giving the kid false hope. That I called a douche or hypocrite. They are clearly not a good match. The kid is still young, he can be reckless but he is serious while Pan is doesn't want to fall deeply in love, running away from his feelings, playing with other's heart.