Chapter 2:
* 8 months prior to Christmas Eve trip in March.
* Kang Doyoung returns to Korea from a study abroad program, a senior and a T.A. for a freshman course, and very popular with many aiming to seduce him. Also Student President of the French Language & Literature department.
* Kim Hyunjin is a Junior who is a transfer student, also popular. 3 years older than Doyoung and Class Rep for the lecture Doyoung will be T.A. for.
* Hyung is wearing 4 layers of clothes?!
* Doyoung thinks Hyung should be an actor, has a mysterious aura, the kind that makes that makes your heart flutter.
* The wine incident & Doyoung covering Hyung. Hyung being nervous and blushing and Doyoung thinking Hyung would be the kind that is hard to approach. Doyoung finds Hyung cute.
* Doyoung falls in love when Hyung smiles at him mere moments later and requests for Hyung to pay him back for the wine by having lunch with Doyoung until he graduates.
Chapter 3:
* From the look Hyung gives Doyoung to the request and the tight squeeze to his hand...I think he realizes Doyoung likes him but brushes it aside with the comment about him not knowing anyone.
* Doyoung offers to help Hyung acclimate to the campus and requests to call Hyunjin as Hyung.
* Something feels off here, is it just Hyung deciding to ignore Doyoung's unconscious flirting and show of interest in him?
* After Hyung gazes at Doyoung & wistfully smiles, Doyoung thinks: After looking into his eyes and holding his hand... I finally came to realization... that he was a dangerous person. Everything from his unflinching gaze... to his blushing skin... and his clear voice... that pierced my heart... But... the most dangerous of all... The most dangerous of all was me... For having these imaginations while I was sober.
[Anyone else find it interesting that Doyoung fell in love practically at first sight & starts having semi-hallucinations of Hyung in his bed? As if he was struck by Cupid's (Aphrodite's son) arrow?
* Time passes to hottest day of year (summer?). Hyung seems to be uncomfortable around other people and us wearing two shirts?!
* Doyoung wants to find out everything about Hyung.
Favorite food: (not told to us)
Favorite color: ??
Who he shops with: ??
Same type of movies: ??
* Hyung drinks green tea because he doesn't like coffee! Hyung says in turn that Doyoung knows him so well. [Plot point?]
* Summer break Hyung got a job on campus, a scholarship program one.Doyoung in turn forwent a job at an embassy (in France?) and finangled his way into it through the professor.
* Fall now, Doyoung getting real obvious with his love starring at Hyung. Hyung flirts back and Doyoung realizes he wants to confess.
Chapter 4:
* Doyoung was about to confess directly in the moment (even tells Hyung he wants to tell him something) but the romantic in him thinks it is the wrong moment to do it.
* Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and he asks Hyung to go somewhere nice and talk over a meal. Hyung makes a comment about how Doyoung is scaring him and says if this has to do with borrowing money. Doyoung says he has more than enough money and grabs Hyung's hand. Hyung asks what is up and if he should stay the night.
* Doyoung is so fucking obvious here that he wants to seduce Hyung, he nearly kisses him! He even tells Hyung that he is special to him!
* Holy shit! That glance at Doyoung, Hyung KNOWS!
Hyung: Fine! I'll see you tomorrow, then. You can do whatever you want tomorrow. Let's make it your day.
This is said as Doyoung clasps Hyung's hand right in front of Doyoung's heart!
* Doyoung looks for a hotel, puts in search criteria, and finds Hotel Phryné that takes only 1 reservation per day.
* Doyoung thinks of what Hyung will think of the hotel, his imagination version says anything is fine.
* Doyoung thinks of Hyung as elegant and pure, like a mysterious wild flower. [A myrtle?]
* Doyoung clicks to book the room, something weird happens and Doyoung blinks his eyes open, and immediately a seductive Hyung pops up. Doyoung thinks it is the real Hyung at first.
* Then a dream as he is seduced. He even comments there would be no way that Hyung would do this.
* Hyung's voice/thoughts to Doyoung are weird.
* Holy shit! Look at Hyung's eyes! Does that remind anyone else of Mr. Rose? Even though we have never seen his face, Hyung is definitely giving off that Mr. Rose feeling here. And look how he uses his hand for the be quiet sign!
* Hyung knows Doyoung's thoughts and comments about he might make Doyoung's wish come true.
* Doyoung confesses: I want to know everything about you! I want to swallow you up whole! I want to be the most important person in your life...!
That gets Hyung's attention and he says: Really? All right, then... Go ahead.
* As Hyung wraps his arms around Doyoung, his eyes shine bright red and roses and thorns pop up around them, as if encasing them, together.
* Last lines of the chapter belong to Hyung: Hurry up and come to me.
[And this is why I think Mr. Rose is after Doyoung. Doyoung never said Hyung's name or even called him Hyung. It showed up as 'You'. Now this might be a translation error...but I think Mr. Rose is taking it as a confession directed towards him and NOT Hyung.
He even says, 'Hurry up and come to me.' Not 'find me' (out of a dozen copies) but 'come to me' (to Hotel Phryné).
Chapter 5:
* After Hyung said 'Hurry up and come to me' and text 'I'm waiting for you' over the ending scene of the hotel reservation being confirmed and rose petals we go directly to Doyoung saying it was an intense wet dream and we are shown the sex he has with Hyung.
[Definitely feels like Hyung here was Mr. Rose but we aren't shown much of the actual sex so I can't see Hyung's eyes and if they are still weird. Perhaps after the deal was made he really did just have a wet dream?]
[Who was the bottom? At first, I thought it was Hyung, but some of the positioning seems off? Maybe it was just frottage?]
* Doyoung wakes up on Christmas Eve at his computer desk and decides to go pick up Hyung for their day out.
* Doyoung's thought here feel somehow important:
Everything felt like a sign. I returned to Korea... ...Just when he transferred... ...And he happened to break the wine bottle... ...I brought to class. We got to have lunch together every day... ...Liked the same movies... ...And I managed to book us a hotel on Christmas Eve. I even had a wet dream about him... And though we got lost in the pouring rain... ...We eventually found the hotel. Everything felt like a sign that I should tell Hyung how I feel. But just a day before Christmas... ...My beloved Hyung and I... ...Got trapped in hell.
* Doyoung faces The Twelve Hyungs as rose thorns encase the scene for the reader.
* Mr. Rose interrupts their potential assault on Doyoung and mentions how ALL Hyungs share the same memories up to 'your arrival here.'
* Mr. Rose holding bouquet of red roses explains the rules:
The bell chimes you heard just now indicates that the game has begun. No one is to leave the hotel before the game ends. The rule is quite simple. All Kang Doyoung has to do is find the real Kim Hyunjin.
(Mr. Rose picks out a rose and crushes it in his hand and lets it fall to the ground)
Identify the fakes, and find the real Kim Hyunjin by the end of the game. But remember, the ones you identify as "fake" will disappear forever... ...So be careful with your choice.
[By the end of the game? Is there another way to end the game and if doesn't pick they both lose anyway?]
* Doyoung is told by Mr. Rose to pick out a fake and he freaks about not being able to tell the difference between them and wants a 'definitive clue' seconds later one of the Hyung's becomes very hostile to Doyoung.
* Hyung seems to be wearing 3 or 4 layers under the towel.
* Hyung's tells Doyoung that he knows about Doyoung's feelings and his intention to confess and that Doyoung wants to touch Hyung. He goes on to ask if Doyoung's feelings are even real, accusing him of this being part of the surprise, & asking how he can even trust Doyoung.
* Hyung very interestingly said this:
Just because I played along until now doesn't mean you can do this to me! Wake the hell up. I was just using you! Who do you think you are?! You know nothing about me!
He thinks Doyoung he would never go out with someone like him.
[In previous chapters I had said Hyung knew about Doyoung's interest in him but was ignoring it...this confirms that. They all share the same memories what is different is the personality...so Hyung knew, probably from the moment they met, that Doyoung liked him and was falling in love with him and Hyung was using him in turn...to not feel lonely? They seemed to become BFF and only interacted with each other, Doyoung had other groups he would interact with but Hyung stayed alone and only got close to Doyoung. Why?]
[And what does he mean by Doyoung knowing nothing about him?]
* Mr. Rose tells Doyoung to pick the first fake and the reader sees thorns encase the scene.
End chapter
Chapter 6:
* Mr. Rose tells Doyoung to pick his first fake.
* The hostile Hyung decides to push others away and run out stating how he crazy to even come here this far out.
* Doyoung grabs the hostile Hyung's hand and stops him:
We weren't just friends! You know that! We had so much fun together...! So why... Why would you say that? Why are you trying to cut me out of your life?
* Hostile Hyung smirks and jerks his hand away and rejects Doyoung completely:
You're so full of yourself. Are you shocked that I turned you down? Well too bad. I've already made up my mind.
(the blanket Doyoung gave Hyung is tossed away.)
[Is it just me or does this sound like Doyoung's very worst case scenario that he had in his mind of how he could be rejected?]
* At this rejection Doyoung's eyes go a bit weird and he demands the hostile Hyung to repeat what he said and he says how he doesn't like Doyoung and even hates him.
* Doyoung accuses the hostile Hyung of a fake and the Hyung accuses him of being a loser and Doyoung gets violent and tosses him through a table:
Shut up. You're a fake. You're not Hyunjin Hyung. Stop lying to me with this face. Stop making me angry.
(A scene of Doyoung with 3 Hyung's behind him with us able to see them clearly and their faces are not shown.)
I'm saving what little patience I have left for Hyung... I don't have any to waste on someone else.]
* As Hyung is continuing the verbal spar & saying how he never asked Doyoung to have patience with him Mr. Rose takes this moment to send out thorns to capture the fake.
* Doyoung is in shock as this happens right in front of him and Mr. Rose saves Doyoung by gently pulling him back:
Please step back. It's dangerous.
(The reader is shown roses and sparkles pop up like we are reading a Shoujo story and not a gay horror story. Makes you wonder why it is here as if Mr. Rose and Doyoung are a potential ship we should have in mind.)
Take a good look... ...At this thing in front of you.
(Graphic scene of Hyung encased in thorns, bleeding and crying.)
...With your own two eyes... ...Mr. Kang.
(Scene of Hyung being squeezed by the thorns and crying and Doyoung trying to help him. Then Hyung explodes into flower/rose petals.)
* Doyoung is on the ground in shock holding some of the flower/rose petals in his hands.
'The smell of flowers.. ...Saturated the room.'
* Mr. Rose joins Doyoung and plucks a petal from Doyoung's hair and lets it fall to the ground.
An intoxicating scent...that never grows old.
End chapter
Chapter 7:
* Still raining outside.
* Doyoung confronts Mr. Rose who tries to calm Doyoung down. Mr. Rose tells Doyoung if he wants to quickly find Hyung he needs to pick out the fakes. Which freezes Doyoung in horror:
You just eliminated one out of 12 candidates. Now, since there are 11 left... All you have to do is point out the 10 remaining fakes.
If you are confident, that is.
(Mr. Rose then exerts violence on Doyoung to assert dominance by grabbing Doyoung by the face and slamming him into a wall.)
However... If, by mistake, you identify the real one as fake... ...I can assure... A few pretty petals won't be all you see. So...
(Mr. Rose leans in real close to Doyoung.)
...Take your time to eliminate the candidates... One by one. That's the best way to go about this. And, one more thing.
(Mr. Rose brings up the thorns behind him as he delivers his threat.)
Don't ever touch me again.
[All that we know about this game is the rules that Mr. Rose gives them. I wonder, does Mr. Rose only tell the truth when all contestants are present? Or only when he speaks to Doyoung? Because we know he may be lying when addressing the Hyungs considering the situation with Cast Hyung in late chapters.]
[Another thing, I am getting a distinct feeling that this games sounds similar to a myth I've read before...]
* As the thorns surround Doyoung and look prepared to strike him they instead grab a Hyung who Mr. Rose accuses of trying to run out...but was he? I mean I know it seemed he was in the entryway but it didn't seem like he was sneaking out. It was more like he was singled out to be used as an example:
Do not even think about stepping outside of this hotel. If you try to leave, these "things" will attack you.
(The thorns surround Hyung's left arm.)
Considering this is your first day... I will let you off with just an arm.
(Mr. Rose clenches his fist and the thorns break the Hyung's arm.)
Remember this. No one is to come in or go out before the game ends.
[I went back to chapter 1 to figure out where the front door was and realized that the brick wall Doyoung was pushed up against is part of the entryway.]
[I also realized on re-reading it that there is an important scene, just before Doyoung freaks out in a flush and he runs in leaving Hyung at the entrance of the Hotel, he has his hand on Hyung's shoulder and is told to take it off.
The scene:
D: Ah, we're soaked! I guess the blanket didn't really help... Are you all right Hyung? Are you cold?
H: I'm fine. You can let go now.]
[ Considering my thoughts on Hyung using Doyoung by knowing about his feelings but purposely ignoring them...this moment kind of shows that. Look at Hyung's face, he's not flushed like Doyoung. He's not smiling. He actually has a little worried expression. Why? Unless he knows about Doyoung's feeling for him and it makes him uncomfortable? Then why go on this trip? To properly reject Doyoung without losing their friendship? Is he conflicted about his feelings for Doyoung?]
* As Hyung screams in pain Mr. Rose addresses Doyoung:
Like I said... ...You should follow my instructions carefully. That is the safest way.
(We are shown the hurt Hyung directly in the midst of the entryway.)
Oh, my...
(Mr. Rose grabs Doyoung's frightened face and turns it to look at him.)
You look exhausted. I suggest you rest until dinnertime.
(Close up)
But make sure you stay on the first floor.
(And we are shown their feet and at the bottom is rose petals from the first fake.)
[Is it just me or does it feel like Mr. Rose HATES the Hyungs? Not just the fakes, but the real one too? He just treats them all radically different to the kindness and care he shows Doyoung.]
* Doyoung's narration:
With that, the hotel manager disappeared through the door... ...As if nothing happened.
(Scene of the Hyungs sitting around and Doyoung pouring coffee.)
What the manager said was true. Whenever someone stepped close to the door or the windows... ...Vines would block the way. I couldn't tell anyone apart. Some would cry... ...While others were more wary of me. They all seemed real... ...And fake at the same time… ...That I couldn't talk to any of them.
[I wonder if the vines will react the same way to Doyoung if he got close to the windows?]
* After lamenting the violence he shown the fake after being cruelly rejected, Doyoung addresses the Hyungs:
Okay, I'll be honest. I have no idea who the real Hyunjin Hyung is. I probably wouldn't even notice the difference… ...If you guys switched places in the middle of the conversation. And that scares me. I feel terrible I can't believe… ...That I don't recognize you, Hyung.
(Shot of Cast Hyung sitting in a chair.)
I will find you no matter what. So please be safe. Don't do anything dangerous.
(Shot of a Hyung with a wistful expression standing & watching Doyoung.)
I'll take all the risks… So just wait for me, Hyung. And…
(Doyoung stopped himself from confessing.)
* It seems like the Hyung who was standing & watching Doyoung during the speech is the one who kisses Doyoung.
* The kiss scene has these yellow flowers around them...what type of flower is this? It's not a rose. Damn I might need to relook at the flowers from previous chapters.
* Looks to be a Yellow Pansy
Pansy as a flower symbolize free thinking, loving thoughts, and is also the birth flower of people born in January. But yellow pansy flowers, in particular, is about one’s optimism and joy.
* Doyoung's narration:
This place is… ...A beautiful hell.
End chapter
Chapter 8:
*. Picking up from the kiss with yellow and orange pansies. Long French kiss, we can see tongue is involved and the Hyung is in full control of the kiss.
*. Hyung's watching this are freaking out. Horror, shock, embarrassment, jealousy…
*. Doyoung stops the kiss because he doesn't know if he is the real Hyung or not and it doesn't feel right. The Hyung who kissed him asks why not that it doesn't matter if he is real one or not…
*. Cast Hyung pulls Doyoung away. His expression as he watched the kiss was interesting he seemed really bothered by it like he was being violated and that he was jealous.
CH: Are you out of your mind? What are you doing with my face?! How dare you kiss Doyoung?
Kiss Hyung: Why should I listen to a fake? Whether we kiss or have sex… It's between Doyoung and me, so stay out of it.
CH: Enough with the cheap tricks! You're just trying to trick him into sleeping with you… ...Because you want to win him over!
[Not a bad theory.]
*. The fight continues and Kiss Hyung walks off. Doyoung tries to make sense of things as he realizes he kissed one Hyung and another one got upset. He imagines a scene of them naked covered by a sheet around him holding apples and rose petals on the ground with an apple (the remnants of the hostile Hyung?) Doyoung interestingly has a long wooden walking stick/cane.
Hyung just kissed me… And got jealous over me. It's all so sweet that I… ... Don't know what to believe.
Wood walking stick/cane:
First used as a weapon, the walking stick or cane has long been a symbol of strength and power, authority and social prestige, predominantly among men.
The walking stick dates back to ancient times. The Bible makes numerous references to the walking staff as a symbol of office and dignity. Judging from its depiction in paintings, the walking stick became a widely recognized accessory of elegance and social status in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Fertility; love; joyousness; knowledge; wisdom; divination; luxury; but also deceitfulness and death. The apple was the forbidden fruit of the Golden Age. As round it represents totality and unity, as opposed to the multiplicity of the pomegranate, and as the fruit of the Tree of Life given by Iduma to the gods. Eris threw the golden apple of discord among the Gods. As the apples of the Hesperides and the fruit of Freya's garden, it symbolizes immortality. Offering an apple is a declaration of love. Like the orange, as fertility, the apple blossom is used for brides. Celtic: The Silver Bough. It has magic and chthonic powers; the fruit of the Other-world; fertility; marriage. Halloween, an apple festival, is associated with the death of the old year. Chinese: Peace and concord. Christian: Ambivalent as evil (Latin: malum and the fruit of temptation and sin of the Fall, but depicted with Christ or the Virgin Mary it is the New Adam and salvation. An ape with an apple in its mouth depicts the Fall. Greek: Sacred to Venus as love and desire; a bridal symbol and offering; the 'apple of discord' was given to Venus by Paris. Apple branches are an attribute of Nemesis and Artemis and used in the rites of Diana; also awarded as a prize in the Sun-bridegroom race as was the olive branch at the Moon-virgin race. The apple of Dionysos was the quince. The apple tree was associated with health and immortality; sacred to Apollo. Apple blossom: A Chinese symbol of peace and beauty.
[2 things: 1, the apple is mistakenly seen as the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that Eve was tempted into eating the Snake in the Garden of Eden and is universally seen as a symbol of temptation, it was actually a fig that Eve ate. 2, Venus is the Roman name for the Greek Goddess Aphrodite who is the goddess of love and the one to whom Phryne was a Priestess.]
*. Kiss Hyung aka Horny Hyung who obviously in love and desiring Doyoung comes back with scissors and cuts his hair very short to differentiate himself from the rest of the Hyungs.
Kiss Hyung: Kang Doyoung. You said you couldn't tell us apart… Well, how about now? You see the difference, right? This is me.
(Kiss Hyung is surrounded by yellow and orange pansies, once more.)
The Pansy flower has following meanings:
Loving feelings
February birth flower
Free thinking
Loving feelings
Color yellow is a symbol of happiness, positive energy and joy. This flower color can be gifted to someone who is going through some rough moments in life, especially if you brighten this person’s day or make them feel better.
Color orange is a symbol of happiness, joy and optimism. This flower color can also symbolize love and passion. The orange Pansy flower can be an ideal gift for someone you love and feel passionate about, but it can also be a gift to someone who is going through some rough moments in life.
Pansy – Secret message
Every flower is hiding a secret message that we need to decipher and understand. Sometimes this message is easy to discover and other times not so much. The Pansy flower is telling you to have a positive mindset and to always clean your mind and think before you do something.
This beautiful flowers symbolizes thinking, therefore it is no wonder that it teaches us to think before we act because it can sometimes save us from a lot of trouble.
*. Kiss Hyung addresses Doyoung over a flashback scene with the hostile Hyung.
KH: Pull it together, Doyoung. Don't listen to the fakes. Don't let them hurt you. Because I would never hurt you.
(Other Hyungs don't like being called fake and don't trust this Hyung.)
KH: I like you. I, Kim Hyunjin, like you, Kang Doyoung.
*. Image of a naked Kiss Hyung with his shirt hair offers Doyoung a bright red apple as internally Doyoung frets.
"He could be a fake." "He could be lying."
(Doyoung has a flushed face.)
I'm trying to deny it… Trying to think straight…
(Doyoung clenches his fist.)
...And be rational.
But hearing him say...
(Scene of the naked Doyoung from earlier surrounded by the other Hyung's vying for him and holding a wood stick/cane now holds an apple with a bite out of it.)
...The words I wanted to hear most…
(In bright white over a reddish peach background appears the words, I Like You. Below which stands a clearly moved Doyoung blushing and clenching his chest.)
...Makes me so happy… That I feel like breaking down into tears of joy.
Mr. Rose: Pardon me.
*. Mr. Roses pops up at the moment that Doyoung is falling for Kiss Hyung and wants everyone to come to the front desk for a change of clothes.
*. As the Hyungs go to change their clothes Cast Hyung grabs the scissors as a waepon to protect himself in case anything happens. He get caught by Mr. Rose from behind him.
MR: Mr. Kim
(Cast Hyung is freaked out. Tells him broke his arm and Mr. Rose puts his hand on the shoulder of the broken arm.)
MR: That was because of the rules. I didn't have a choice.
(Mr. Rose squeezes his hand on Hyung's shoulder.)
You should speak out more… After all, you know… ...You are the real Kim Hyunjin.
(Hyung's shocked face)
CH: !!! Wait, so you knew?! Then why…!
(MR shushes CH in the same manner as the deal scene in chapter 4 (left hand) but using a different hand (right hand). It seems Mr. Rose is handed. MR then puts the shushing finger on Cast Hyung's lips.)
MR: Use those scissors… To punish the fakes.
End chapter.
Chapter 9:
*. Rain still pouring outside.
*. Mr. Rose makes an interesting comment after the Hyungs have changed clothes:
Very good. I can assure that you will be quite comfortable… As the hotel maintains its temperature at an optimum.
*. The Hyungs who typically wear 3 or 4 layers of clothes in the winter and was seen wearing 2 layers during the hottest day of the year is now wearing a single long-sleeve beige shirt and brown pants while Doyoung is also comfortable…
Chapter 9: redux
*. Rain still pouring outside.
*. Mr. Rose makes an interesting comment after the Hyungs have changed clothes:
Very good. I can assure that you will be quite comfortable… As the hotel maintains its temperature at an optimum.
*. The Hyungs who typically wear 3 or 4 layers of clothes in the winter and was seen wearing 2 layers during the hottest day of the year is now wearing a single long-sleeve beige shirt and brown pants while Doyoung is also comfortable…
[Magic? Personalized heating?]
*. 5 Hyungs are shown changing clothes and surrounded by bright yellow pansies.
The Pansy flower has following meanings:
Loving feelings
February birth flower
Free thinking
Loving feelings
Color yellow is a symbol of happiness, positive energy and joy. This flower color can be gifted to someone who is going through some rough moments in life, especially if you brighten this person’s day or make them feel better.
Pansy – Secret message
Every flower is hiding a secret message that we need to decipher and understand. Sometimes this message is easy to discover and other times not so much. The Pansy flower is telling you to have a positive mindset and to always clean your mind and think before you do something.
This beautiful flowers symbolizes thinking, therefore it is no wonder that it teaches us to think before we act because it can sometimes save us from a lot of trouble.
*. A slightly happy/curious Hyung comments about how everything fits perfectly as if it was tailored for them. A slightly angry Hyung is upset how it is the same outfit.
*. Doyoung is given a black turtleneck and brown or black pants.
*. We get a flashback to what Cast Hyung and Mr. Rose talked about:
MR: As the real Kim Hyunjin… Use those scissors to punish the fakes.
(Visibly upset Cast Hyung.)
CH: P-Punish them…? Don't make things scarier than they already are. I just want to get out of this without causing any trouble…
(Mr. Rose is seen behind and to the right of Cast Hyung whispering in his ear like a devil.)
MR: Enough with the wishful thinking, Mr. Kim.
(Shot of the two conspiring is seen in the background and other Hyungs in the foreground.)
MR: The situation isn't going to change.
(Cast Hyung has an interesting look here almost a glare at Mr. Rose but also fear and determination.)
MR: Your life is at stake in this game. And Mr. Kang will make that choice.
(Shot of Doyoung and Kiss Hyung getting along.)
MR: If he's charmed by one of the fakes… And fails to recognize the real you…
(Shot of Doyoung with a soft smile towards Kiss Hyung.)
MR: ...That will be the end.
(Shot of Cast Hyung's frightened face.)
CH: ...But there are 10 exact replicas of me…
(Shot of Cast Hyung glancing towards Hyungs in front of the fireplace, pool table, the garment rack where the change of clothes is at.)
CH: … ...What can I possibly do?
(Shot of Mr. Rose using his right hand to brush a lock of Cast Hyung's hair on the right side of his head as he flinches.)
MR: Mr. Kim. Do you know what happens to the fakes… ...When they die?
(Shot of Mr. Rose's hand still touching Cast Hyung's hair and Cast Hyung's eyes watching the hand out of fear.)
CH: …? Didn't we all see just now? They just turn into petals…
MR: Precisely. As you said, they "just turn into petals." Which is why…
(Shot of Mr. Rose encasing Cast Hyung in a sort of side hug as he whispers the last poisonous words.)
MR: ...Whether you kill them or or spare them…
(Squeeze of the injured arm where the scissors are hiding.)
MR: ...Makes no difference.
[Mr. Rose definitely feels like Mephistopheles tempting Cast Hyung to kill the other Hyungs. Thing is, until they are dying we don't know for sure the Hyung is fake. Hostile Hyung had injuries and bled and it wasn't until the thorns crushed him and thus gave him a mortal injury that he burst into petals thus revealing as a fake.]
[So if Cast Hyung attacks other Hyungs, then Doyoung will most likely turn against Cast Hyung and think of him as a fake.]
*. Mr. Rose turns on Cast Hyung for disobeying his orders of not changing his clothes. Doyoung steps in to help Cast Hyung. Doyoung also correctly points out that Mr. Rose broke Cast Hyung's arm BEFORE telling them they couldn't leave.
*. Mr. Rose takes the reprimand with no qualms?
MR: I stand corrected, Mr. Kang.
(Deep bow by Mr. Rose.)
MR: Mr. Kim, I admit I have inconvenienced you.
(Shot from above of Cast Hyung hiding behind Doyoung.)
MR: I would offer to help you out of your clothes by way of apologizing… However, I realize that might be uncomfortable for you. Mr. Kang, if it's all right with you… Please help Mr. Kim change into his new clothes.
D: ...Fine.
D thoughts: What's going on? I didn't expect him to let it go so easily…
[Feels like a trap.]
*. Doyoung helps Cast Hyung change clothes while he frets about the scissors hiding in his cast.
D: Oh...
(Cast Hyung flinches out of fear due to the scissors he is hiding.)
CH: Huh? Is something wrong?
(Shot of Doyoung with a soft smile.)
D: I know I shouldn't be laughing, but… I just can't help it.
(Doyoung still smiles as he buttons Cast Hyung's shirt.)
D: I was just reminded, Hyung… Of how much you hate showing skin.
(Shot of Hyung looking down at Doyoung before a flashback scene.)
D: You know I remember every outfit you ever wore. Even during the summer, you'd always wear a long-sleeved shirt over a t-shirt. And you never took it off, even when it was super hot… So I'd always turn the A.C. down real low just for you.
(Doyoung smiles as he looks up at Hyung.)
D: I bet you didn't know that.
(Hyung starts crying, Doyoung frets thinking he hurt him, but Hyung denies it.)
CH: ...I'm just relieved…to hear you talk about things from the past… So much that I started crying without even realizing it.
(Scenes of Doyoung comforting Cast Hyung who is crying and being moved by the tears and what Cast Hyung is saying.)
D: The fact that you remember me… I never knew it'd make me so happy. I should've realized it sooner…
[I think, this is the moment that Cast Hyung realizes how much Doyoung is love with Hyung and it moves his heart to admit the feelings he has ignored & denied.]
[Another thing that is interesting is that we keep getting evidence of Hyung having an aversion to cold, to the point of requiring multiple layers of clothes even during the summer...or a really weird issue with wearing long-sleeve shirts and long pants even when it would make him uncomfortable or dangerous to his health, heat exhaustion can happen due to wearing too many layers during very hot days.]
[Either way, I find this very interesting.
A1. Mr. Rose KNOWS about this issue and how much this is a big deal to Hung and is willing accommodate it.
A2. How? How much does Mr. Rose know about Doyoung and Hyung? He knew Doyoung on sight and always referred to him as Mr. Kang and Hyung as his friend until the 12 Hyungs came into Hotel Phryné and then they were referred to as Mr. Kim.
B. We continue to get this cold aversion/aversion to showing skin brought up by multiple people.
C. The truth of this has not been revealed. Hyung has never commented about it to Doyoung. But Mr. Rose knows? Through magic?
D. It feels like this is something very important and we should be paying attention to every time this is brought up and the inverse.]
*.Doyoung comments how he has never seen Hyung cry before. Cast Hyung blushes and asks to kiss Doyoung.
[Cast Hyung stops holding back his feelings.]
*. Kiss Hyung interrupts them before Cast Hyung and Doyoung can kiss.
KH: Weren't you the one who accused me of trying to trick Doyoung… Into sleeping with me to get his attention?
(Shot of Kiss Hyung being Visibly upset.)
KH: Or did I hear you wrong…?
[The love triangle continues. Interesting how angry Kiss Hyung gets.]
End chapter.
Chapter 10:
*. Continuing the confrontation of Kiss Hyung and Cast Hyung over Doyoung:
KH: Weren't you the one who accused me of trying to trick Doyoung… Into sleeping with me to get his attention?
(Shot of Kiss Hyung being very upset.)
KH: Or did I hear you wrong?
(Shot of Doyoung in the background watching the confrontation in the foreground.)
KH: You should really think before you start lecturing other people. Don't you think? You realize this is a cheap move, right?
[I keep thinking of how Kiss Hyung basically point blank said in chapter 8 that he doesn't care if he is fake or not, he is going to tap Doyoung's ass. And he has the gall to get upset with Cast Hyung just trying to kiss him?]
*. Cast Hyung gets upset at this and Kiss Hyung keeps needling Cast Hyung, Cast Hyung accuses him of being jealous due to the attention he is getting from being injured, and Kiss Hyung then goes completely hostile and accusing him of faking his injury and trying to force Cast Hyung to prove his injury.
KH: I know Mr. Rose treated you. And he's got those strange powers… Who's to say he didn't heal your arm? Why wouldn't I be suspicious?
*. Cast Hyung is scared because he is hiding the scissors.
CH thoughts: No! My arm is injured for real… so that's not an issue… But if he finds out about the scissors… It'll work against me, no matter what I say. I can't let him see it!
*. Cast Hyung breaks away from Kiss Hyung and he states how not everyone is a schemer like Kiss Hyung and Cast Hyung is not interested in him one bit and escapes.
[If the Hyungs are fakes...could they be controlled by Mr. Rose? Like given certain unconscious orders and acting them out? Because if Mr. Rose's goal is to get Doyoung to pick wrong, then I would use the fakes to cause chaos to ensure to cast doubt upon the real Hyung. Because Kiss Hyung is certainly accomplishing that.]
[It almost feels as if the Hyungs are aspects of Hyung's personality but amplified in certain aspects; Hostile Hyung was the part of Hyung that doesn't trust Doyoung and was amplified past rationality to hating him & Kiss Hyung is the part of Hyung that loves Doyoung and is possessive of him and this has been amplified to the point of using violence against Cast Hyung, whom he sees as his greatest threat to being with Doyoung.]
*. Kiss Hyung accuses Doyoung of infidelity.
KH: Every time someone comes up to you with my face… Are you going to be this nice to them? Will you kiss them… And even sleep with them?
*. Doyoung defends himself saying that since he doesn't know who is real he to treat them all like they are the real Hyung because if he treated them all as fakes the real Hyung would be sad.
[So basically The Bachelor defense?]
*. Kiss Hyung calls him out on hypocrisy:
KH: Doyoung. If we were dating and I started kissing and caring about someone else… Would you be okay with that? If I said I didn't have a choice, because the other person looked just like you… Would you accept that?
*. Doyoung imagines a potential sex scene on a couch with Kiss Hyung (notice the short hair) and a Doyoung doppelganger.
D narration: The thought of it alone was terrifying. No way.
(The sex scene continues with Kiss Hyung looking at Doyoung as Kiss Hyung wraps his arms around an almost half-naked Doyoung doppelganger.)
D narration: I'd probably end up killing the other guy.
*. Kiss Hyung further twists the knife into Doyoung and walks off to go rest and clear his head.
D narration: He's absolutely right. I was thinking and acting too selfishly… I'm so embarrassed.
*. Doyoung goes to rest and think things over and is shown sitting on the bottom staircase step with Kiss Hyung in the chair by the pool table.
[These two seem to be remaining in sight of one another...]
*. The clock shows it is now 8 minutes to 6 o'clock.
*. Cast Hyung is hiding on a mobile staircase(?) in front of some floor to ceiling windows and looking out of them to the foggy rain when a Sweet (kind) Hyung asks him if he is ok.
SH: Hey, um…
(Cast Hyung looks at Sweet Hyung.)
SH: How's the arm? I've been wanting to ask you for a while now…
(Sweet Hyung looks up towards Cast Hyung, earnestly.)
SH: I know this whole situation is crazy, but I'd be really sad if no one cared…
(Shot of Cast Hyung looking at Sweet Hyung.)
SH: ...When I got hurt…
(Cast Hyung looks shocked.,)
CH: Oh…
(Sweet Hyung is flustered and rambles on.)
SW: Oh! I know you probably don't want me to talk to you… since you think I'm a fake, but… T-the same thing goes for me, so… What I'm trying to say is…Um…
(Sweet Hyung is nervous and shy.)
SW: ...I just wanted to have a normal conversation with someone.
(Shot of Cast Hyung looking at Sweet Hyung.)
SH: I thought it'd make me feel better.
(Shot of Cast Hyung beginning to be moved.)
CH: Oh…
(Flashback to Cast Hyung crying in front of Doyoung being relieved that Doyoung is talking of their past.)
CH: I totally get what you're saying! And I agree 100%! Just talking about old times made me emotional! And I felt super relieved!
(Sweet Hyung has a relieved smile.)
SH: Great… I'm glad I decided to talk to you.
(Shot from behind Sweet Hyung of Cast Hyung looking into Sweet Hyung's eyes as they converse.)
SH: You and the one with the short hair...I can tell you guys apart because you're distinctive… But you probably wouldn't be able to tell who I am when we're in a group. Still it's nice to talk even if it's just a short chat.
(Sweet Hyung has a sad expression.)
SH: I didn't know that being unrecognizable would make me so sad.
(Cast Hyung has a morose expression.)
CH thoughts: I know… I also know how that feels.
(Another crying flashback the lines about how Doyoung remembering Hyung makes him so happy.)
(Cast Hyung puts his right hand on Sweet Hyung's right hand.)
CH: Hey. Promise you'll talk to me again, okay?
(Cast Hyung looking at Sweet Hyung with a kind smile.)
CH: I'll recognize you.
(Sweet Hyung almost has a blush on his face. Before a confused look appears on his face with the next sentences.)
CH: Why don't we make a secret code? I'm wearing a cast, so I'll be "Cast-Jin." You asked me how I was doing, so you can be "Ask-Jin." What do you think? You okay with that?
[I put this scene in because Sweet Hyung and Cast Hyung are forming a friendship/coalition against the other Hyungs.]
[Another is because I think Sweet Hyung is the kind aspect of Hyung. The sweet and somewhat shy and lonely part, but mainly sweet.]
[It is also because again the situation about not being able to differentiate the others was brought up. But why didn't one of them just grab some of the flowers, put them in their hair or something? Or cut off some locks? Put in braids? Anything, really? Instead the rest of the Hyungs just mull around, alone. It's weird.]
[Another thing, is that right as Cast Hyung and Sweet Hyung are bonding, they get interrupted. By the clock ringing and Mr. Rose saying their meal is ready.]
*. Clock rings at 6 o'clock. Everyone is freaked out as it has only rung once, the time they arrived at the hotel. It has 5 dings, only dings, no dongs.
[In chapter 5, they arrived at 12 o'clock but only the minute hand was shown and there are 4 ding dongs.
In chapter 7, after Hostile Hyung became petals and Mr. Rose told everyone to rest we are shown the clock and it says 11:03? That makes no sense, but the short hand is at XI and long hand is at about a little after I… is it supposed to be 1:55?
Later on, right before Doyoung begins his speech we see the clock, 2:35.
The flashback with Cast Hyung and Mr. Rose in Chapter 9 shows only the bottom half of the clock, ?:35.
Earlier in the chapter, shortly before Sweet Hyung approaches Cast Hyung the clock was shown as 5:52]
[I think they arrived at the hotel at midnight? So it is 6am? Or did they arrive at noon and it is now 6pm? Which would make sense for supper/dinner, but it was so dark out when they arrived at Hotel Phryné, I thought it was night time when they arrived at the hotel. Either way, it's been 6 hours that they have been hanging out in the lobby since Hostile Hyung became petals.]
[Weird how it took me 4 times rereading chapters to really pay attention to the clock. We keep being shown this clock over and over and now the weird issue of it only going off at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock, ding donging at 12 and only dinging at 6, so I am going to keep note of the time it shows now.]
[Also, it is really weird that all the flowers disappeared when Mr. Rose went away the first time and haven't seen them since nor has any of the Hyungs or Doyoung commented on how the flowers were gone and the place no longer smells of flowers… Artist got tired of drawing them? Or is this a plot point?]
*. As the Hyungs get up to follow Mr. Rose, Kiss Hyung makes his move to get rid of the threat to his relationship, Cast Hyung and suggests Doyoung pick a fake.
*. Mr. Rose actually leaves it up to Doyoung.
MR: That is up to Mr. Kang. He will have to accept it. Do you have a valid reason for this suggestion?
*. Kiss Hyung makes it clear he is going after Cast Hyung. He wants Cast Hyung dead.
(Shot of Cast Hyung looking shocked and frightened and Sweet Hyung looks to be behind him in the background.)
KH: I know for a fact he's a fake, and I don't want to share a table with him. I don't want to eat while I'm being lied to!
(Kiss Hyung with an absolutely angry face is pointing towards Cast Hyung.)
KH: I can tell you why he's a fake. If he's proven to be a copy, he'll disappear, right?
(Kiss Hyung looks towards Doyoung as he's pointing towards Kiss Hyung.)
KH: What do you say, Doyoung?
(Shot of Doyoung's shocked and frightened face.)
KH: Will you do it?
End chapter.
Chapter 11:
*. Continuing the accusations by Kiss Hyung of Cast Hyung being a fake, i.e. trying to get him killed.
KH: I saw it myself.
(Shot of Kiss Hyung's finger pointing towards Cast Hyung.)
KH: I saw him talking to the weird-looking manager.
(Shot of Cast Hyung getting 'hit' by this accusation.)
KH: They were discussing something secretly for a really long time.
(Kiss Hyung is now selling his story to the other Hyungs to get a mob justice. Mr. Rose is seen in the foreground from the back and a Hyung side-eying him.)
KH: Think about it. Would you talk to someone who broke your arm… In that way? For that long? Doesn't it seem suspicious? The manager broke his arm, and then he also fixed it.
[How did Kiss Hyung see this? I thought he was making googly eyes to Doyoung during this point? And he keeps harping on how Cast Hyung is faking he is still injured.]
[Mr. Rose right here is saying nothing to defend himself...it feels as if he is watching a play of which he wrote the script. He just needs some popcorn to really show how much he is enjoying this.]
*Doyoung glances slightly behind and to the left where Mr. Rose is standing at attention without saying a word.
KH: What if this was all a set-up? What if it was a planned performance? And most importantly…
(Shot from below looking up at Kiss Hyung prosecuting Cast Hyung who is near to him.)
CH: Wait! What'd you say, "A planned performance?"!
(Shot of a scared Cast Hyung who is trying to defend himself.)
CH: How can you even say that?! You saw him break my arm! I'm innocent!
[Ooh, I just realized how I was using the terms prosecution and defense that this scene is like a courtroom drama and a reference to Phryné as she was on trial.
[If we follow that logic of Cast Hyung being on trial than that is further proof that Cast Hyung IS the real Kim Hyunjin as he would be the one representing Phryné with Doyoung representing Orator of Hypereides, her lover who was in essence her defense attorney and who saved her.
*. Now turns his attention to Doyoung, who in this part of things is acting as the judge, jury, & executioner with Kiss Hyung arguing as the prosecution.
KH: ...He was also… ...The first one… ...who tried to run out of this place.
(Kiss Hyung has walked to Doyoung and pointed at his chest with a fierce expression of hate.)
KH: He ran away, leaving you behind. That's the biggest reason he's a fake.
(Doyoung is moved.)
KH: Doyoung… Could you ever run away without me?
(Flashback of the scene of Cast Hyung running away.)
KH: I don't think so. Do you think I'd run away without you?
(Shot of Kiss Hyung's twisted expression as he sells this story to Doyoung.)
KH: Never.
(Kiss Hyung from the position of being next to Doyoung continues as Doyoung casts a troubled side glance at him.)
KH: You might be able to match the looks… But you can't fake your feelings.
*. Cast Hyung tries to defend himself by saying he was just trying to see if there was a way out and how he is the biggest victim here.
[A few things here:
Remember the chronology of the story for Cast Hyung.
The weird road trip, the storm, going into the hotel and find 11 copies of himself, Doyoung unable to tell the difference, the weird Mr. Rose, watching Doyoung turn violent at Hostile Hyung over being rejected, Hostile Hyung turning into petals...why would anyone stay in a place you don't feel safe with a guy you can't trust has your interests in mind? Especially if it is possible he thinks you are a fake?]
*. Cast Hyung implores Mr. Rose to admit what he told him.
CH: Hey, you! Say something! You know who's the real one here! You came up to talk to me first…!
*. Mr. Rose serves up Cast Hyung by revealing the scissors he told Cast Hyung to keep and use on the other Hyungs. He does in a manner that hurts Cast Hyung.
*. The other Hyungs see the scissors and they get scared.
*. Mr. Rose continues to screw over Cast Hyung.
MR: It's true. I'm the who started the conversation. He stole the hotel scissors, so I gave him a warning.
[Anyone else wondering where Kiss Hyung got the scissors? I keep thinking back to that moment in chapter 8. Kiss Hyung knew exactly where to go get them… How?]
*. Cast Hyung tries to defend himself and Kiss Hyung goes rabid over trying to get Doyoung to kill Cast Hyung.
*. Quick shot of the clock in the background that is placed above and behind Mr. Rose, Doyoung, and Kiss Hyung… It says it is now about 6:12.
*. As Cast Hyung pleads for Doyoung to hear him out, Mr. Rose makes his move.
MR: Mr. Kang. If you would like… You may request for a specific person to be separated from the rest of the group.
(Shot of Doyoung and Kiss Hyung listening to Mr. Rose.)
MR: For instance, if they happen to be hiding a weapon…
*. Kiss Hyung takes the bait and requests Cast Hyung to be locked up if Doyoung won't kill him, but Doyoung denies him.
D: I'm not going to… To say anyone's a fake.
(Shot of Doyoung facing Mr. Rose but also using his to block others from trying to go past him to hurt Cast Hyung.)
D: If there's even a remote chance of hurting Hyung… I won't do it.
*. Shot of a determined Doyoung and then flashbacks to incidents since arriving at the hotel.
D narration: I've made up my mind. I won't make any choices based on what other people tell me. I won't let myself be swayed by the circumstances, either. I will find the Kim Hyunjin I liked… ...By considering and validating things myself. Before then, I won't single anyone out.
*. Doyoung stands determined.
D: If I have to choose someone for this game to progress…
(Shot of a scared Cast Hyung and a shot of a shocked Kiss Hyung standing behind Doyoung.)
D: ...Then I won't do it. That way no one will end getting hurt.
(Shot of a group of Hyungs, then a close up of Doyoung.)
D: That's the best I can do for now.
*. Mr. Rose seems unbothered.
MR: Understood. You may do as you wish. Although I doubt this resolution of yours will last for long. You can let me know when you change your mind.
*. Hyungs seem a bit puzzled at how anticlimactic things are.
*. Right on cue Kiss Hyung loses it, grabs the scissors, and tries to kill Cast Hyung just like Mr. Rose told Cast Hyung to do to their others.
*. Doyoung stops Kiss Hyung and gets his left hand hurt (he's left-handed?).
KH: D-Doyoung…
D: Hyunjin. I told you, that's enough.
[Kiss Hyung is really coming off as a windup toy that Mr. Rose set things in motion for him to go off and attack Cast Hyung. Which further gives me proof that Cast Hyung is the real one.]
End chapter.
Chapter 12:
*. Picking up from the moment Kiss Hyung stabbed Doyoung in the left hand, Doyoung reprimands and comforts Kiss Hyung.
D: I don't want you to get hurt, Hyung…
(Doyoung hugs Kiss Hyung close to him.)
D: ...But I also can't let you hurt anyone else.
(Doyoung whispers to a shocked Kiss Hyung.)
D: I know what you are thinking. "Why is he stopping me?"
(Shot of Cast Hyung.)
D: "Does he like him so much… That he's willing to get hurt?" "Does he think he's the real Kim Hyunjin?"
(Shot of Kiss Hyung flinching.)
D: "Does he think I'm a fake? Does he not like me anymore?"
(Kiss Hyung looks sad and Doyoung comforts him.)
D: But it's not what you think. I'm still… ...Looking for the Hyung I used to like.
(Doyoung's hands clasp Kiss Hyung's right hand that holds the scissors.)
D: So please, trust me. You have to trust me.
(Shot of Kiss Hyung crying, while Doyoung looks at him sadly.)
KH: Okay… Doyoung… I will. I trust you.
(The scissors fall out of Kiss Hyung's grip. Doyoung and Kiss Hyung hug tightly.)
D: Promise me… You won't do anything dangerous.
(Shot through the windows as Doyoung holds Kiss Hyung and Mr. Rose watches.
D: Even if you feel cornered by the situation… ... Don't let it sway you. And for now…
(Close up of Doyoung.)
D: ...I think you should take a break.
*. Doyoung calls out to Mr. Rose to separate Kiss Hyung from the other Hyungs. The rose thorns appear and wrap around Kiss Hyung and Doyoung gets upset.
D: Hey! I asked you to isolate him! I didn't say he was fake! Why the vines?!
MR: Yes, I heard you correctly. I realize how this looks… ...But the vines are in fact moving in a way that doesn't harm him in the slightest.
(Mr. Rose points out how Kiss Hyung is unharmed, he is also fully clothed. Then we get a shot of Mr.Rose clenching his fist as Doyoung looks at him askance.)
MR: Now, "this Hyunjin" will be taken to a separate space… But he will still receive the same meals and bedding as the rest.
(Close up of Mr. Rose.)
MR: Oh, and one more thing… If you decide to place someone else in isolation… ...You then must release him… As you may only isolate one person at a time.
(Image of Kiss Hyung strung up the rose thorns staring down at Mr. Rose with tearfilled angry and frightened eyes.)
MR: Those are all the guidelines I have regarding the isolation process. So let me ask you again. Do you wish to separate this Hyunjin from the rest?
(Close up of Kiss Hyung's crying face. Then a close up of Doyoung's conflicted face.)
MR: ...Yes, I do.
*. Mr. Rose has Kiss Hyung disappear with a flash of colorful dark blue, purple, and yellow magic sparkles.
*. The other Hyungs wonder where Kiss Hyung went.
*. Cast Hyung actually defends Kiss Hyung by asking why Doyoung had Mr. Rose separate Kiss Hyung from the rest.
CH: I thought you said you were going to protect everyone… From that Flowerhead… whether they're fake or not!
(Shot of Cast Hyung talking to Doyoung and pointing to Mr. Rose in the background.)
MR thoughts: "Flowerhead…"
(Doyoung picks up the bloodied scissors.)
D: "That Hyung" could've use these scissors to stab someone. And if someone felt threatened by him… They could've used these to stab him instead.
(Shot of Cast Hyung looking sad/concerned at Doyoung tightly gripping the scissors.)
D: He was so emotional, he couldn't control himself. I had to isolate him for everyone's sake.
(Close up of the scissors being squeezed in Doyoung's right hand.)
D: I said I was going to protect everyone… But that doesn't mean I intend to get along with all of you. To be more clear, what I meant was that…
(Shot of a determined Doyoung squeezing the scissors.)
D: ...I can't let you the real Hyung get hurt… ...So I won't let anyone get hurt… Until I find him.
*. Mr. Rose claps his hands loudly interrupting them (like he always seems to do).
MR: I understand completely.
(Mr. Rose lowers his left hand.)
MR: "No one will die as long as I don't choose them."
(Mr. Rose lowers his right arm.)
MR: "So I'll try to avoid any emotionally volatile situations..."
(Mr. Rose stands with both arms lowers and somewhat splayed out.)
MR: "...And thus prevent killing anyone… By singling them out."
(Mr. Rose loudly claps his hands.)
MR. What an adorable… ...Crude… ...And naive of a plan.
(Doyoung tightly grips the scissors and glares at Mr. Rose.)
*. Mr. Rose decided to mess with Cast Hyung again and further help turn the other Hyungs against him.
MR: Alright, then..
(Shot of Doyoung nervously staring at Mr. Rose as he has his left hand pointing as he plans something.)
MR: Why don't we do this?
(Mr. Rose snaps his left hand and all Hyungs start screaming in pain.)
MR: Mr. Kang, though you cannot hear it… There is an incredible noise filling the room right now… That only they can hear.
(Mr. Rose in the foreground stands with his hands behind his back proudly while the Hyungs scream in the background.)
MR: Mr. Kang, I'll have you know… That every single one of them…
(Shot of a Hyung's hands trembling as the noise stops.)
MR: ...Share the exact same memories… Up until your arrival at this hotel.
(Shot of three Hyung shocked at no longer being in pain or knowing why.)
MR: Which is why…
(Close up of Mr. Rose pointing with his right hand at his head.)
MR: ...They all "sincerely" believe they are the"real" Kim Hyunjin. However…
(Mr. Rose flirtatiously touches Doyoung's left cheek with his right hand.)
MR: ...Instead of hearing the terrible noise just now… ONE of them heard a voice notifying him of the fact that he is a FAKE.
(Doyoung's shocked face.)
D: So… He knows… He's a fake...?
*. Hyung's conversing with other asking who the fake is and how they only heard of a metallic screeching sound.
*. Cast Hyung is staring at his hand with frightful expression.
[If I was an evil or just an asshole God/spirit/magical being and my goal was to trick Doyoung to pick the wrong Hyung...I would have all the fakes hear the screeching sound and the real Hyung to hear the message of him being a fake.]
[Plus Cast Hyung called Mr. Rose 'Flowerhead'.]
[Does anyone else get the feeling that Cast Hyung is on a trial, Doyoung is defending him but also the judge, Mr. Rose is the prosecutor, and the other Hyungs are the jury? A bit akin to what Phryné faced?]
End Chapter.
On re-reading it:
Chapter 1:
* The storm is weird. Weather forecast said sunny for two days and it's storming and cell & GPS aren't working.
* Hyung is laid-back with no worries & doesn't blame Doyoung.
* Hotel pops up out of nowhere after Doyoung got Hyung the blanket & thinking of confessing & the restaurant.
* Hotel Phryne, name means Toad but also refers to a Courtesan born 371 B.C.E. who went on trial for capital offense (seems to be impiety) and was defended by one of her lovers, the Orator of Hypereides.
According to a myth: when it looked like she would be found guilty he removed her clothes and had her bear her breasts to earn their pity.
'Her beauty instilled the judges with a superstitious fear, who could not bring themselves to condemn "a prophetess and priestess of Aphrodite" to death. They decided to acquit her out of pity.'
'However, Athenaeus also provides a different account of the trial given in the Ephesia of Posidippus of Cassandreia. He simply describes Phryne as clasping the hand of each juror, pleading for her life with tears, without her disrobing being mentioned. Craig Cooper argues that the account of Posidippus is the authentic version and that Phryne never bared her breasts before the court during her trial.'
* The place smells of flowers and we see varieties of them and roses and meet Mr. Rose.
Roses are distinctly associated with Aphrodite/Venus, the Goddess of Love and whom Phryne pledged herself to as a priestess.
White Rose for birth of Aphrodite and Red Rose for blood/death of her lover Adonis caused by Ares of jealousy & whom told Aphrodite of his plans but she was too late as he died from a gash to his thigh (femoral artery) from a boar.
Mr. Rose is a red rose, blood/death.
In addition to roses, Aphrodite's major symbols include myrtles, doves, sparrows, and swans.
[Myrtles seem to be the other flowers with the roses? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myrtus?wprov=sfla1]
* 13 rooms are being used in total, 12 for Hyung. There are 12 main God's in the Greek Pantheon.
* Aphrodite (love, beauty, pleasure, & procreation)
* Apollo (prophecy and oracles, music, song and poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease, and the protection of the young.
* Ares (war, battlelust, courage and civil order)
* Artemis (hunting, the wilderness and wild animals)
* Athena (wisdom and good counsel, war, the defence of towns, heroic endeavour, weaving, pottery and various other crafts)
* Demeter (agriculture, grain and bread who sustained mankind with the earth's rich bounty)
* Dionysus (wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity, madness and wild frenzy)
* Hephaestus (fire, smiths, craftsmen, metalworking, stonemasonry and sculpture)
* Hera (Queen of the gods, wife of Zeus, Goddess of marriage, women, the sky and the stars of heavens)
* Hermes (god of herds and flocks, travellers and hospitality, roads and trade, thievery and cunning, heralds and diplomacy, language and writing, athletic contests and gymnasiums, astronomy and astrology. He was the herald and personal messenger of Zeus, King of the Gods, and also the guide of the dead who led souls down into the underworld.)
* Poseidon (brother of Zeus God of the sea, earthquakes, floods, drought and horses)
* Zeus (philandering husband to Hera, pervert, King of the Gods and the god of the sky, weather, law and order, destiny and fate, and kingship.)
And there was Zeus' other brother, Hades/Haides/Pluto/Dis (king of the underworld and god of the dead. He presided over funeral rites and defended the right of the dead to due burial. Haides was also the god of the hidden wealth of the earth, from the fertile soil with nourished the seed-grain, to the mined wealth of gold, silver and other metals.)
[I'm starting to think with the 11/12 Hyung's left that we might see them emulate the gods..or at least there will be an Ares we need to watch for homicide tendencies.]
The number 12 also has many other meanings: https://www.learning-mind.com/solving-the-mystery-of-the-number-12/
I also have this idea that Jung might be involved.
'Jung described archetypal events: birth, death, separation from parents, initiation, marriage, the union of opposites; archetypal figures: great mother, father, child, devil, god, wise old man, wise old woman, the trickster, the hero; and archetypal motifs: the apocalypse, the deluge, the creation. Although the number of archetypes is limitless, there are a few particularly notable, recurring archetypal images, "the chief among them being" (according to Jung) "the shadow, the wise old man, the child, the mother ... and her counterpart, the maiden, and lastly the anima in man and the animus in woman". Alternatively he would speak of "the emergence of certain definite archetypes ... the shadow, the animal, the wise old man, the anima, the animus, the mother, the child".
The Self designates the whole range of psychic phenomena in man. It expresses the unity of the personality as a whole.
The shadow is a representation of the personal unconscious as a whole and usually embodies the compensating values to those held by the conscious personality. Thus, the shadow often represents one's dark side, those aspects of oneself that exist, but which one does not acknowledge or with which one does not identify.
The anima archetype appears in men and is his primordial image of woman. It represents the man's sexual expectation of women, but also is a symbol of a man's possibilities, his contrasexual tendencies. The animus archetype is the analogous image of the masculine that occurs in women.'
[There is a LOT more to this story than we think & I believe it lies in Phryne, her trial, her lover who defended her, and Aphrodite.]