stupid wastes of oxygen smh

Alinna December 27, 2018 2:13 pm

sometimes while browsing this site I really wish I was a hacker so bad so that I could track those edgy cunts who leave comments like omg so hot under shotacon or furry mangas and find a way to notify their parents about this oh godd let alone the people who defend this filth by 'oh it's just fiction for example take killing stalking' and keeps ranting like a retard whose parents played volleyball with as a baby. listen you disgusting pedophile zoophile bitch, action, mystery, whatever genre contains killing or shit can't be compared to sexual content. Because real killers won't come and read a manga to fuel their killing intent or fap to the dead bodies, that would be necrophilia. people read this stuff because it could be interesting and exciting for them, like a thrilling story about a serial killer and his victims you'd want to know what would happen next and how the story goes, how the characters think and their actions, the plot of the story..whatever it's like watching an interesting movie and that's normal. Those mangas you're comparing to porn were made to intrigue people to it's plot, while the porn mangas were made for people to masturbate to. Your argument is dumb and cancelled. What's not normal is being interested and getting excited about children or animals getting fucked, or wanting to fuck them. I can't even comprehend how the imbeciles who bring arguments like this even think do you even have braincells buddy you have an extra chromosome or something? like whenever I see an argument under any shotacon or furry manga there's always this fucking dumb fuck who will bring the killing stalking argument. Do you think the reason people become serial killers is because they watch action or mangas involving that? Why do you keep denying your true colors? If you want to read this disgusting nasty shit then admit that it's wrong and you're a pedophile/zoophile if you get excited from reading this filth which is undeniable common sense at least shut the fuck up don't justify it or bring the it's fiction argument. Do you think people make those shotas/furry mangas for normal teenage girls? Well guess what it's actually made for pedos and furries. If you're mad when people call you that then don't be a disgusting waste of life degenerate and read it or at least don't justify it. If I was pregnant and I could see my babys future and I knew that they would defend any sort of child pornography or zoophilia fictional or not I'd abortion in a blink of an eye.

    Alinna December 27, 2018 2:21 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Cry

    nobody thx for concern

    Shirane December 27, 2018 2:22 pm

    Don't spread your hate here.

    Alinna December 27, 2018 2:24 pm
    Don't spread your hate here. Shirane

    im spreading facts not hate

    Psycho December 27, 2018 2:35 pm

    eh my parents couldnt care less...

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 2:37 pm

    if u did nt read the manga how did u know what people comment.....where u drooling over comment section ??......

    Shirane December 27, 2018 2:39 pm
    im spreading facts not hate Alinna

    What facts? Please link an actual study to prove your statements.
    Also, there are real problems in this world, there's real rape, real hunger, real war, real abuse, real death.
    People reading some books and liking them are not the problem.
    And if you soo wanna do something about it then please go for your goals silently, learn how to hack into accounts and do your shit instead of complaining. It's annoying.

    Alinna December 27, 2018 2:42 pm
    if u did nt read the manga how did u know what people comment.....where u drooling over comment section ??...... @Anonymous

    because tags are not listed on the cover genius and I always check the comments section even if I won't read the manga.

    Alinna December 27, 2018 2:45 pm
    What facts? Please link an actual study to prove your statements.Also, there are real problems in this world, there's real rape, real hunger, real war, real abuse, real death. People reading some books and liki... Shirane

    What studies do you need to understand that people who get excited over kids are pedophiles? Do you also know that these books could trigger the argue to the real thing? And those aren't just "some books" they're child pornography and liking them is fucked up. Child rape is also one of the real problems in the world and this shotacon and lolicon plays a huge part of it. What's annoying is your presistency to defend pedos and child porn. go fuck yourself

    Alinna December 27, 2018 2:46 pm
    eh my parents couldnt care less... Psycho

    so is your parents the only reason stopping you from doing nasty shit? good to know I guess

    Shirane December 27, 2018 2:48 pm
    What studies do you need to understand that people who get excited over kids are pedophiles? Do you also know that these books could trigger the argue to the real thing? And those aren't just "some books" they'... Alinna

    You might want to visit a real children's playground and yell at assumed child abusers there. That might do something. Dear, there is no prove for what you're spouting and all you can do is insult me. What a stupid waste of time. You're the waste of breath here.

    Psycho December 27, 2018 2:50 pm
    so is your parents the only reason stopping you from doing nasty shit? good to know I guess Alinna

    if i enjoy it then whats ur problem? its not even about morals.

    Alinna December 27, 2018 2:52 pm
    You might want to visit a real children's playground and yell at assumed child abusers there. That might do something. Dear, there is no prove for what you're spouting and all you can do is insult me. What a st... Shirane

    I'm sorry you're too incapable of basic human functioning to understand that child porn is targeted at pedophiles.

    Alinna December 27, 2018 2:53 pm
    if i enjoy it then whats ur problem? its not even about morals. Psycho

    right it's about disgusting people who enjoy seeing child pornography and even defend it

    Psycho December 27, 2018 2:57 pm
    right it's about disgusting people who enjoy seeing child pornography and even defend it Alinna

    stop putting labels on everyone. the human mind is much more complicated than u think.

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 2:59 pm
    right it's about disgusting people who enjoy seeing child pornography and even defend it Alinna

    idk but i think you just contradicted your own statement?

    "people read this stuff because it could be interesting and exciting for them, like a thrilling story about a serial killer and his victims you'd want to know what would happen next and how the story goes, how the characters think and their actions, the plot of the story..whatever it's like watching an interesting movie and that's normal."

    Alinna December 27, 2018 3:00 pm
    idk but i think you just contradicted your own statement?"people read this stuff because it could be interesting and exciting for them, like a thrilling story about a serial killer and his victims you'd want to... @Anonymous

    and none of these elements are available in a manga about a kid getting fucked

    Alinna December 27, 2018 3:02 pm
    stop putting labels on everyone. the human mind is much more complicated than u think. Psycho

    what do people think about when they're masturbating? having sex, right? Now when someone is masturbating or getting excited to child porn, what do you think they think about? How the kid is cute and they wanna nuzzle and hug him, Or how the person fucking him has such a nice personality? The human mind is indeed very complicated

    Anonymous December 27, 2018 3:03 pm
    and none of these elements are available in a manga about a kid getting fucked Alinna

    thats only youre opinion

    Alinna December 27, 2018 3:04 pm
    thats only youre opinion @Anonymous

    True because only pedophiles would find a kid getting fucked exciting and I'm not one.

    Psycho December 27, 2018 3:04 pm
    what do people think about when they're masturbating? having sex, right? Now when someone is masturbating or getting excited to child porn, what do you think they think about? How the kid is cute and they wanna... Alinna

    sometimes is not about the child but the ideals behind it.