Gossiping to your pal that you want to marry the person who repeatedly tries to run away from you, and who you raped in order to "tie him down' doesn't seem like love. Dojin hasn't communicated to Hyeseong that he actually likes him or loves him as a person, he's pregnant with his baby so feels responsible, and apart from that, it just comes off possessive. Dojin's choosing to try and trap Hyeseong by giving him financial rewards, and promising him he wont rape him until the baby is born, rather than actually verbally communicate to him. (It's not that Hyeseong is any better, but I just disagree with your argument that Dojin is an "angel", just because he is more keen on becoming a parent than Hyesung.)

Yes he’s in love with him. Was even sorry for controlling him and raping him when Hyesung wanted to leave. He still did it.
He is buying Hyesung anything and everything to appease him so he will want to be with him (it’s gonna happen, it always does)
Dojin want something to tie Hyesung to him. The Bam, a baby! What luck! He’s using the baby just as much as Hyesung, using the “it’s not just ur baby” one to trap him. Sure he’s being all nice about it but there’s all different kinds of abuse, this is just one of the more hidden ones. Not saying he’s full on abusive tho, I agree he’s smitten but there’s other ways to go about it.
Saying that, Hyesung is being a little shit about all this but remember he didn’t want any of it (no excuse, he’s still a brat) and is dealing with it the “best” way he knows. He only thinks Dojin wants him around as “inspiration” and now coz he’s pregnant. He hasn’t been told otherwise and before there’s the “oh but it’s so obvious!” the author has stated numerous times that the guy’s an idiot and need stuff explained to him.
Wow, who’d have thought a fictional story would go into so much depth.... (sarcasm, things like this always happens)

The 1st shopping trip was to appease Hyesung, because he was upset so he wasn't in a stable state of mind while thinking he wants an abortion. NOW he's letting Hyesung buy whatever he wants because he's trying to court Hyesung, Dojin SAYS this, if you're going to argue you need to back what you say. Dojin noticed that buying/giving him materialistic things makes him happy, so he is taking that approach to winning him over. He actually says this, "i was totally wrong about him, he isn't all that into the 'subtly showing he cares' thing", he's saying small, unspoken gestures don't impress Hyesung as he prefers to be treated like a queen and showered with gifts: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/love_is_an_illusion/uu/love_is_an_illusion-chapter-21/4/
Further proof of this here on ch 22, pgs 33 and 34: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/love_is_an_illusion/uu/love_is_an_illusion-chapter-22/33/ where you SEE Hyesung happy with his stuff and here: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/love_is_an_illusion/uu/love_is_an_illusion-chapter-23/13/ where you see Hyesung refuse to do as Heesoo says specifically because he won't get as much out of it. It is the materialistic wealth that sways him, both personally and romantically, Dojin knows this and is wooing him with materialistic wealth.
What? Want to cite some pages implying Dojin is using the baby? Because i can cite some where he is by himself, so no one to act around, and lovingly chooses out a pair of baby booties while smiling ( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/love_is_an_illusion/uu/love_is_an_illusion-chapter-22/32/). Or when Hyesung is asleep, no one to act around, and says "my child" with a love struck look on his face ( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/love_is_an_illusion/uu/love_is_an_illusion-chapter-20/16/). He loves the baby. He is the page where he oogles the ultrasound with a wonderous look on his face: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/love_is_an_illusion/uu/love_is_an_illusion-chapter-22/14/ and on pg 18 he says "the world seems to be filled with light". He is ecstatic about the baby. That is why he says "it's my baby too!" with a panicked expression when Hyesung says he's going to get an abortion. He's not "using the baby", he loves it and doesn't want it aborted. Not sure where you got the idea he's using the baby to keep Hyesung... Again, cite some pages for this theory you've got going on. The baby is just as much one of his main concerns as getting Hyesung to love him.
Any time Hyesung has been confused about something, especially involving Dojin, it has shown him angst about it and made it clear he's upset as he causes issues between them because of it. There is nothing implying he still thinks Dojin is using him. They talked, Dojin explained it was a misunderstanding and Hyesung is aware that Dojin wants the baby. This is evidenced by his dialogue saying "it's his baby too"( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/love_is_an_illusion/uu/love_is_an_illusion-chapter-21/9/). Not sure where you got the idea that Hyesung still thinks he's being used. He knows Dojin genuinely wants the baby.

You can “use” something to ur advantage and still want and love it. And I don’t really need to go the whole nine yards with picture proof (too annoying while on my phone and moving) and I know what scenes ppl are talking about. They are in later chapters where things are getting “better” as the MCs learn to understand each other. It’s sweet and what we all want to happen.
But My whole point (something u seemed to not mention) was that Dijon is no angel in this. he’s doing everything to keep Hyesung by his side even when the other originally stated he wanted to leave (after continued “drug” induced sex, a fact people are happy to ignore)
But ppl are all “bad Uke! Seme deserves better!” And forgetting what Dijon did just coz he’s being nice and taking Hyesung’s abuse like a champ now.
I’m not ignoring the progress they’re making (Raw’s show it gets better and sweeter) but u can’t write off what’s happened and expect the uke to not act out at about how he was treated (he even said “I’m sick and tiered of being used!”) and straight up forgive the seme. The realist aspect of this story, while slightly exaggerated, is interesting.
As long winded as that was (sorry) I’m not telling you to agree. Best thing about discussions/arguments are the different opinions people have on them. Provide someone doesn’t get in a tizzy because someone else is not agreeing with them. But we’re all human.

It was a rather long post but sure all I said “nah-uh”. Note: though u still ignored my words and just wrote them off.
I didn’t require me going out of my way to post links. I assume you read the story and would know what I’m talking about as I did for you. I more or less agreed with what u said anyway just advised not to ignore the wrong Dojin had done.
But hey, I expressed my opinion and you yours. Wasn’t looking for a blow out argument nor will I take the bait for one. I briefly outline these comments (as well as others) with a person unaffiliated with this story or anything yaoi and it made be feel rather childish having to explain it

"i assumed you'd know what parts of the story i meant as i did with you", i gave pages to look at, i'd hope you knew what i was talking about... You didn't. Anyways, it's not that i'm "ignoring what you said", it's that everything you said was extremely biased or literally just wrong, that's why i said "so many incorrect statements that i don't know where to begin". I really don't feel like going into your last response because there is SO much to say and i know you're just going to respond with more bullshit and not back any of it again, in other words "nuh-uh".
1. I'll go through it though: Everything you said up to "drug induced sex" is just "nuh-uh" backed by nothing to all the pages i gave that you can actually look at to verify everything i said is true.
2. "drug induced sex"? Wtf are you talking about? You mean the heat? There is no sex where Dojin drugs Hyesung. It sounds like you mean the very beginning where the omega Hyesung sprays alpha pheromones on himself and accidentally brings himself into heat, that is one of the scams Hyesung fell for that i mentioned. Dojin was going to and could've just left Hyesung to be raped by that alpha he went up to and was rubbing on, he instead took him home. What does Dojin get for this? One of the sex scenes where he is forced to have sex with Hyesung against his will. Dojin literally says "no, NO!" as he's penetrating Hyesung in this scene. The pheromones Hyesung was releasing forced him.
3. Here is the biggest misinterpretation of the story: "he wanted to leave", you're ignoring the context here, he didn't just "want to leave", he was under a misunderstanding here and was leaving in a huff without letting Dojin explain. Hyesung had overheard Dojin say he gets inspiration from Hyesung, Hyesung took this to mean he is "being used" as you point out later in your comment. HE WAS WRONG, it was him misunderstanding things and causing more drama. If you look at the scene, Dojin is trying to get him to stay so they can talk and he can explain, but Hyesung is too busy being a diva and trying to huff off so Dojin gets stressed and accidentally releases a small amount of pheromones. Hyesung only NOW turns around and all he has to say to the guy who's been busting his ASS providing for him, bailing him out of that sex scam, getting him a job to ensure he doesn't get into any sex interviews again and dealing with the constant sexual assault while being accused for the sex is "are you threatening me?". Dojin has done nothing but help Hyesung, so this upsets him and he releases his pheromones, NOT to "force him not to leave and knot him" as you suggest, if you have any reading comprehension you will see he did it because he was offended Hyesung was even implying he WOULD threaten him. He releases them to make this point. Hyesung says "these are his pheromones?" because he didn't recognize them. Why? Dojin goes on to say why "have i ever released my pheromone around you? I was nice to you, i let you make yourself at home. Why are you always trying to leave?". He literally says it. He's done nothing but take care of Hyesung, he used his pheromone to show Hyesung that he doesn't recognize them because he's never used them on him before, he then loses control. Hyesung says "his eyes... Get ahold of yourself!" during the scene because he noticed Dojin lost control once he let his pheromones out, Dojin then later says "i lost all sense of control" confirming this. This means HE KNOTTED HIM ON ACCIDENT. It was all an accident after he released his pheromones.
This is why i didn't want to respond to you, it's not just that you aren't putting in effort, it's that you're also spouting a lot of verifiably incorrect things... You ignore context. Yes, of course you agreed with everything i said, i proved it with pages, you can't argue. It was all explicitly said. I put effort in, you didn't and no i don't "see what you mean" because the story just literally isn't as you described it. PROVE. ME. THE. FUCK. WRONG.

I’m not trying to prove you wrong.... I never said u were wrong. There’s no black and white to this story, that’s what makes it interesting. I was stating that while Hyesung is being a brat. Dojin is no saint. Why u making a huge deal out of that I’m not on board “the uke is horrible. Love seme” train?

Careful with that strawman, it burns. I clearly take issue with all the falsehoods you spout while trying to justify your opinion, not that you have one. Do i think your opinion is a little, no really, ridiculous? Yes. But idc to try and change your mind. I tried not to bother, it's not my fault that you want to be able to just say whatever you want with no reply.
He's courting him. Did you guys not see Dojin say "there's still time" and the conversation with his beta friend about marrying Hyesung? All this AFTER ch 20 where he looks at Hyesung lovestruck and says "My child... My omega..."? To stop the "that sounds domineering!" replies, get the context by looking at the page: ch 20, pgs 16 and 17. That isn't obsession in his eyes, it's clearly that he "realized" (as he says IN this scene) that he'd been in love this whole time and that explained why he'd been so involved with Hyesung up till now when previously he hadn't known why as he hates to be around omegas. He realized he's in love and started to court Hyesung to "win him over". It's all REALLY obviously there, you have to go SO far out of your way to twist things to "he's bribing him"...