Thank you for your acknowledgement.(▰˘◡˘▰)
When Mari exploded and blamed Sihoon, we see that her doctor boyfriend isn't her priority LOL. Mari didn't even feel the need to justify herself or beg her doctor boyfriend to come back to her. Maybe Mari wants attention like the wife said, but who's attention does Mari want? Probably Sihoon's. If Mari really didn't want ANYONE to find out that she's a third party, it makes much more sense to date someone Sihoon doesn't know... In fact, Mari seemed hurt that Sihoon was upset at the doctor on Junyoung's behalf, not hers. :/ So, in that sense, I think Mari was annoyed that the attention was placed on Junyoung when he spat out his confusion, instead of the attention being on her. Maybe Mari was lonely after their father passed away and Sihoon moved out. + their mother continues to talk about Sihoon like trying to arrange a blind date for him, even though he's not even at home anymore. Maybe the mother doesn't pay that much attention to Mari (did their mother even know Mari was dating??) either.
^ Considering how lonely Mari probably is...it makes sense for Mari to cherish her friendship with Junyoung that much more and be hurt that he betrayed her. Mari did say Junyoung is her first best friend and she admitted that she missed him a lot when they weren't talking for a while. Mari demonstrates a soft spot for Junyoung, no matter how many times she has gotten mad at him.
I can't deny that Mari was the third party in her own relationship, so it does appear hypocritical for her to get upset at Junyoung, for being with Sihoon who Junyoung thought was married and dating Mari this entire time... But I think this hurts Mari more because she loves Junyoung as her best friend, so for him to date the man he thought was her married boyfriend...that's betrayal. Mari probably feels like a fool for previously being happy after she learned that Junyoung and Sihoon were together (LOL, Junyoung became family in her mind :P), and thought Junyoung only hid their relationship because he was afraid she'd discover he's gay. Mari probably doesn't feel bad for the bald doctor's wife since she didn't care for the lady and her relationship with the bald doctor wouldn't have last anyway.
It seems Mari has some unresolved issues with Sihoon growing up. Maybe Mari misses Sihoon, since like she said, he is passive and indifferent and rarely comes home to visit. I hope through this misunderstanding, Mari and Sihoon could mend their bond.
I hope Mari matures from this situation too. She'll probably be angry at Junyoung momentarily, since she should understand Junyoung's position better than anyone else. The two friends should start talking again after this situation fades. <3