I've been joking a lot about the latest updates so I'll give another version of how I think things will go in regards to Jiwon/DG, if you want...
There have been subtle (and not-so-subtle) hints in both Jiwon's expressions and thoughts that one of the ultimate plot reveals will probably be Jiwon admitting his feelings and actually wanting DG to be his boyfriend.
I only say probably because Mingwa has somewhat surprised me a few times, so far. She isn't giving these characters a light and day switch in terms of personality change and while it's frustrating as all hell, it's also somewhat refreshing.
I feel confident Jiwon will slowly get nicer and nicer, but it won't really be within a few chapters... I think it will all depend on how many episodes this webtoon has planned out, how many seasons, etc. So, as much as I would love to spoil and answer all the questions we might have, I can really only just hope everything will work out for the best with these silly and beautiful boys.
One last thing... I wouldn't mind if Mingwa makes a spin off for the side characters and actually puts the focus on Jiwon/DG for the rest of this BJ Alex manhwa, but we'll just have to see.

I think that Alex (Ahn Jiwon) thinks (and still thinks) that his attraction to Nam Dong-Gyun was only physical (basically based on body compatibility).
For example, I think that Alex (Jiwon) believes that his attraction to Dong-Gyun is similar to “the school jock lusting after the biggest school nerd”.
And that Jiwon only thinks that he is physically attracted/addicted to having sex with Dong-Gyun (meaning Dong-Gyun’s body), although Jiwon does not fully know why.
But, when Jiwon is with Dong-Gyun sexually, the parts that “turn-on” Jiwon the most is when Dong-Gyun is just being himself and natural with Jiwon.
Jiwon lusts after Dong-Gyun the most when Dong-Gyun genuinely smiles at Jiwon or when Dong-Gyun reveals something personal about himself to Jiwon. Jiwon is attracted to the non-sexual intimacy he shares with Dong-Gyun.
And Jiwon gets jealous when he feels worried/threaten by Dong-Gyun “affections” being directed at someone else.
And subconsciously he is very protective of Dong-Gyun.
Jiwon does not know it yet, but he is emotionally attracted to Dong-Gyun; which causes him to be physically attracted to Dong-Gyun.
He likes the connection he shares with Dong-Gyun and his sexual attraction to Dong-Gyun stems from his overall attraction to Dong-Gyun (as a person) and not just Dong-Gyun’s body.
And Minoa86 is right, it is subtle! Just pay attention to when Jiwon blushes!
Anyways, this is what I think.

This is a good way to explain their relationship, as it currently stands. I do want to address a few other points I noticed that hasn't really been discussed in detail yet on Mangago's spoiler threads)
So, once again, spoiler warning to what I'm about to type and this is going to be loooooonnngggg...
The most recent Mangago reader's reply to this topic (sorry, I didn't catch your ID) stated "And Jiwon gets jealous when he feels worried/threaten by Dong-Gyun “affections” being directed at someone else."
In chapter 22, DG was very open and honest (unlike Jiwon) about being jealous over Jiwon and BJ MD seeming like a couple. I brisked over this in a whimsical way already but the quoted user's phrasing did amuse me because they're both getting jealous (in different ways, of course). DG actually said the word jealous in chapter 22 and I laughed because Jiwon hasn't admitted he gets jealous (to himself, yet) but I can tell he has been... it's obvious and Jiwon can't fool me, damn it!
Jiwon's character keeps stating things to DG (and even BJ MD/his BJ Alex fans) then completely contradicts what seems to be those same beliefs later on. I'll give specific examples:
In episode 3, he said he hates "raw dogging it" but he obviously didn't hate doing that with DG in chapter 22...
In episode 17, Jiwon is being VERY mean everywhere in this episode but the main contradictory words would be "because if he starts getting funny ideas...we're done." Well, DG continues to get funny ideas and even shares them with Jiwon in chapter 22. Jiwon only seems to be liking him more for being so honest. Jiwon is very protective of his secret BJ Alex identity, though, and DG has been okay with keeping that secret, so far... I hope nothing drastic happens that makes Jiwon flip out at DG if Chanwoo figures it out soon, or something stupid like that.
And I think the biggest one here that doesn't seem true is probably the one I want to really stress because no one has mentioned it...
In chapter 22, Jiwon tries to explain his so-called "model student" fake personality at school was because of his bad experience with BJ MD and that made Jiwon want to put his guard up by pretending to be good around his peers and underclassmen. I didn't really want to go into detail about this exact conversation before simply because I don't believe that's the real reason... I think it might have something to do with the guy he lost his virginity to (brief flashback of this in episode 10... but I wanted to let anyone reading this essay that Jiwon is attempting to be open and explain things a bit better to DG, as of chapter 22.
The alcohol bits also bring another character up and his purpose in the mangwa. While Kang-hun is another one of the too many asshole personalities all up in this joint, he did play an important role being the one that pressures DG into getting hammered and that helped DG discover Jiwon's BJ Alex identity. Another tie-in to this that was only recently disclosed was how Jiwon might have felt sorry for DG because Jiwon himself became vulnerable by his elder BJ MD while under the influence of alcohol.
Chapter 21 was my least favorite chapter, but I don't entirely blame Jiwon. It did not seem like he planned to bring those sex toys into the hotel room, but DG really seems like a curious guy and must ask about anything and everything because he wants to know a lot behind Jiwon himself and if BJ Alex's personality is more the real him, or what... Luckily, their dark moment didn't seem to carry on much into chapter 22 so I think the whole curiosity about BSDM won't be too much of a focal point for them in the future. Jiwon spent the majority of this episode being pissed off at BJ MD and he kept wondering why DG and BJ MD talking was bothering him so much. Once again, it got cleared up in chapter 22 so I am glad.
Oh, oh, and I have a wild theory that the person trying to stir up drama on the BJ Alex social media forums is actually BJ MD, but that might be a reach and I've always wanted to know is there a special meaning to the name Alex, or what?! AHHH but I don't know so I think I'll stop this book I'm I'm trying to type now bye.

Oh, and I think Jiwon is going to still be a dick for at least 7 more chapters!
Sooo... has anyone read all the raws? If so, could you tell me if Alex is going to stop being an ass at some point? I see people talking about chapter 22 but I wonder if he’ll be completely whipped for DG in the next chapters