SPOILER - response below
I have some of my own predictions about what I gathered from chapter 20 but firstly, I think that you're spot on! I absolutely agree that with what you said about Jiwon's character development for this story. He totally exhibited a lot of complex emotions that are coming to surface that we get to see in chapter 20. It's actually quite amusing to see him suffer from his lack understanding of his own feelings of why he's so worked up about BJ MD's interest in DG. I'm not sure if he'll pursue DG seriously but perhaps just to rile Jiwon up because it's not secret that Jiwon can't conceal his feelings, you can read it through his facial expressions! I think BJ MD picks that up. So my first theory is that I think when MD mentions the cute guy behind the counter, I noticed that Mingwa drew emphasized DG but also drew Chan in there as well so perhaps he's not specially referring to DG for purposes of teasing Alex (in 19, When Jiwon came into the shop, DG spoke to him but Jiwon brushed him off and MD took notice of that by mentioning briefly to Alex) and for Jiwon as well as the viewers to assume it's DG from the context of the situation.. I also had this feeling from chapter 18 following 19 that Chan and MD might become a thing because of sharing the same fetish but also, just how BL stories play out with the foreshadowing of the second couples usually.
This is also the beginning of angst as we approach some climax to the story I think because we knew that DG has been feeling angst and experiencing a lot of complex feelings about his relationship with Jiwon but now Jiwon is only beginning to feel angsty. I think that maybe in the upcoming chapter, Jiwon might be aggressive or do something that DG is uncomfortable with which may lead to DG getting angry and perhaps be the path of MD's character development in the story and jiwon's self realization (probably after the denial stage).
Jiwon's character to me is interesting because he's totally rude like you said and was totally an aggressive violating fuck the first time he had sex with DG, and coercing him into having sex in the school. Although, I don't condone any behavior like that, I think that Jiwon isn't a complete asshole either because when you observe his mindful school president persona, you can see he is like that when he's being "normal" with DG. For example, he usually considers DG's needs like going to Jiwon's apartment for sex, wiping him down, and returning his sweater. He seems to take acknowledge DG's and tends to them in his own way. So, it's just strange lol.
I look forward to see how this story plays out!
/essay lmao

I must try to give more spoiler tags to avoid angering anyone too much but I do want to reply to you..
Yes, I think this manhwa really can make some of us wonder how this is actually all going to play out. I must commend Mingwa, though. She puts out some really nice looking stuff for only a week's timeframe and the story is actually pretty good. I've read some strange yaoi stories in my days so... Hah. I want Jiwon to wake up and change but it doesn't have to be instant... It's more realistic if the artist gives it all to us in small doses. I think, anyway! Very cliffhanger-like and teasey, though!

I totally agree with you on almost everything you have said except that MD was referring to Chan instead of DG as a possible male submittive. From what I gathered in the previous chapter, it seemed to me that MD noticed how easy it was to get DG flustered, and leaned in closer as a sort of teasing. I think he thought that part of DG was cute. In chapter 20, he leaned in closer once again to get DG to blush. I think he will totally be going for DG, even though he said he wouldn’t. Maybe because he’s actually interested or he picked up on Alex’s feelings (because Alex totally gave that out lol) and his sadistic side can’t help but pick on him. Although, I do feel that MD will end up with Chan. Either way, I can’t wait to read the progression of this story and Alex’s jealous expressions are not enough to satisfy me and I’ll be needing more of them.

he was actually leaning in to check out Chan behind DG. Otherwise he would have made this https://toonkor.com/data/file/wtoon/151999910232.jpg (second box) "oh! what's this?" expression as soon as DG blushed the first time and not out of nowhere, like this, when he was about to pay.
Also, showing Chan in the background is a typical "you are being tricked" move.

Some official spoilers I guess...
I was making a joke in my original post since both Jiwon and BJ MD have had major reactions to DG's blushing cute face. I do believe Alex is actually only freaking out because he's scared of BJ MD finding out about him and DG...
I truly want to believe Jiwon/Alex is jealous though. He's really showing some genuine turmoil... Especially when BJ MD was poking around to see if Jiwon knew anyone working at the coffee shop. Jiwon's reactions, as of the latest chapters, seem like he's about to crumble down soon and I feel kind of sad about it.
Anyway! DG is totally Jiwon's type and I know Jiwon wants more, but he's being quite stubborn and I hope Mingwa reveals the true reasons behind all of it (soon... please... maybe after some crazy sex toy play/sex and a smutty shower scene between DG/Alex, thank you!) ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
All right. As I tried to title this post… This will not really much spoiler talk for chapter 20, but more like my personal take on things and what I think will happen! These chapters are not that long but I always feel so compelled to say so much after reading/looking over the brand new Korean raws so keep scrolling through my typing madness if you’re curious about what I want to discuss this week…
Some minor spoiler scroll dots incoming:
Okay. First off, I would like to present you an image I put together to express how amusing Alex’s jealous expressions actually are:
Secondly, I would like to state that even though I’m joking about Alex actually showing some feelings here, I actually think he’s my favorite character from this manhwa. I believe Mingwa named this BJ Alex for a reason and she also has big plans for Jiwon’s character along with his development/story. Jiwon is going through some interesting internal struggles during chapter 20 and I’m very curious to see what she reveals to us in chapter 21.
I’m stressing this some more. I don’t think Jiwon is all that bad of a guy. He’s certainly rude, mind you, but he’s been rather forthcoming about what he wants and does not want from DG and I think this fricking male dominator broadcasting jockey BDSM sly bastard of doom isn’t really being that supportive towards Jiwon. He has his own agenda and I think he’s going to go after DG. Stay tuned to see if that really all goes down…
Oh, and final note, BJ MD was going on about how DG’s face is nice and all, but goddamn it... I think DG has both a nice face and a hot, sculpted little body! Those manhwa semes are silly.
Thanks for reading! ヾ(☆▽☆)