Read this before freaking out about Will

2-Le-Bitch-2-Quit March 7, 2018 4:56 pm

This is Will's SECOND appearance in Remnant.

He's also in chapter 1.

And here's a small snippet from the next chapter, so spoilers.......................

Daato- Partner?
Juda- Don’t phrase it so weirdly! We just work together.
William- I’ve seen you once before. Do you remember?
Daato- No, I don’t.

(The "once before" is referencing chapter 1)

    Yukio Takamiya March 6, 2018 2:10 pm

    Omg I haven't seen the raws but that's exactly what I thought their relationship would be

    Sweeter then sugar March 7, 2018 6:32 pm

    Wooohoooo!!! My guess was nearly there XD they are partners in cri- I mean colleagues