Thank you

Oh I just remembered there is not chapter 42 yet. This is what you get home slices. Guess I'm done here for now.
Chapter 40 over here: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/2144802/

Going off what I mentioned in the previous topic, as a means to validate places where you seemed unsure:
Kyon: Anything? (I think, this bubble may be from Lucaon)
-Nope, you got it right initially. The speaker is definitely Kyon~
Kyon(?): You keep saying that…~ Even if you come to hate me, I..I will continue to stay here.
- You got it babe! Kyon again

At the risk of spamming your topic:
(OS) I was told to stay until his body recovers.
It makes things hard when the noun (who's staying) (who's recovering) isn't specified. Because we're familiar with the back story we know the one recovering is Kyon & the one responsible for his recovery is Cecilia. With that in mind, It's Ryan who is talking here. Like this:
--Ryan: I was told you will be staying until his body recovers. Who made that decision?--
Lucaon: Kyon. If things are still difficult for you, (I botched that)
-Please do trust in yourself more. You translated it perfectly
No idea why, but my previous comment didn't include everything.. I'm sorry if the information magically appears.. as is the case for me most of the time anyway lol.

Thank u so Much

Thank u so much...plz keep continuing you translation I'll always be waiting eagerly for your translation.... Plz keep it up I'm really grateful to you for doing this... Can't express in words that how I am....thank to u....ur love my friend

Thank u so much...plz keep continuing you translation I'll always be waiting eagerly for your translation.... Plz keep it up I'm really grateful to you for doing this... Can't express in words that how happy I am....thanks to u....ur love my friend
http://mangadoor.com/manga/royal-servant/41 For reference
*Kyon walking and sighs while seeing reflection in window*
“The pattern… it’s no longer….” (As in his servant mark on neck)
Cecilia: (To Lucaon) And what if Kyon does not agree?
Lucaon: For now I think I’ll stop working.
Cecilia: But, was it not something you have set to do?
Lucaon: It’s not required work. Now I just want (?)…
*Lucaon sees envelope*
Cecilia: Are those photos?
Lucaon: Seems that someone left these here.
Cecilia: Who? My workers didn’t.
*Lucaon leaves abruptly*
Rain: Mr. Lucaon?
Lucaon: Where is Kyon?
*door creak*
*Kyon tries to leave through the back door, but is held back*
Lucaon: Why do you have to go so far…? Do you really want to leave so much? Give me a chance. I’ll do anything.
Kyon: Anything? (I think, this bubble may be from Lucaon)
Kyon: What can you do? If you don’t know anything….
Lucaon: Tell me. If you tell me. I will know what I have to do.
Kyon(?): You keep saying that…~ Even if you come to hate me, I..I will continue to stay here.
*Lucaon holds Kyon closer*
Lucaon: I? No, because I…… Kyon, listen to me. I…
*Tears fall onto the ground*
Lucaon: I will give you everything. Whatever you need, whatever you want…. I’m sorry. I… I’m sorry. But everything can be better. So… don’t go….
I need you…. (I’m ded T.T)
*Kyon lets go of the door knob*
Kyon: Master. Do you think you can listen to my request?
Stay by my side.
Without a doubt (hesitation) at any moment. Will you be on my side?
Lucaon: Always… I will be right by your side.
Kyon: Never. You must never take your eyes off me….
Kyon faintly: We have…. To be together…
Lucaon: Kyon?!
*Kyon Faints*
Cecilia: It’s only a little fever but nothing serious. I think he’s been overloaded these days…. Just let him recover
Lucaon: OK. I’ll take Kyon to my room. Order it clean.
*Kyon vomits over a sink*
Rain: He vomited his lunch? That’s a big problem. Give him a little more. I brought medicine. Don’t give it to him now, it’s hot.
*ho-* (when you blow food cold)
Rain: You have to blow on it so that he can eat.
*exit Rain stage right*
Lucaon: Kyon. *Caress’s Kyon’s cheek*
Do you think you can eat your dinner?
Ryan: How is Kyon’s condition?
Cecilia : Lethargic. (In literal translation she says “skeletal” but I don’t actually know the linguistic connotation of that as a description >.> but you get it) It’s been five days already.
(OS) I was told to stay until his body recovers.
(OS) Ryan: Who made that decision?
(OS) Cecilia: Lucaon. And that’s the problem. It was a shock for him that Kyon tried to escape through the back door. Now he won’t leave him.
*Rain: He has a high temperature*
Cecilia: I must warn you, neither you nor any other servant can enter the room. He doesn’t want another servant other than Rain and himself to enter the room. If you went in you’d probably get thrown out. (idk why but the Spanish said Nana here, but she means Rain)
Ryan: Ugh. These guys, seriously?
Cecilia: Ryan. There is something I have to tell you.
*continues to not tell the audience anything*
Lucaon: Kyon. If things are still difficult for you, (I botched that)
Don’t you think it’s because you haven’t told me what’s the matter?
*Kyon: dizzy*
Lucaon: Do you think you can tell me? I’ll help you.
It’s hard for you to see other people. I don’t think that it’s necessary to go to the hospital anyway…
I…. *Kyon Kiss go!*
All right, so if anyone has a better translation go for it. One thing though, Spanish is a very literal language in how they describe things in general, so phrases might not be exact to how the official is going to be. I didn't change them because I didn't want anything to be too lost in translation since these went from Korean, to Spanish, to my English lol. I'm also not exposed to everyday language where I live so I just read stuff in Spanish.
I don't mind doing chapter 42, but that will have to be later after my lectures and lab. If someone else wants to, that's cool too homie gee.