
here’s the link :)악녀는+두+번+산다&title=악녀는+두+번+산다

Actually that knight who killed Aubrey was her older sister. Cedric made Aubrey's Dad choose between killing her daughter with his own hands or letting his family all die.. The count (Aubrey's dad) couldnt kill her.. So the sister killed Aubrey instead cause she doesnt want her whole family to perish.
u know that girl that hates tia? yeah well she helps the intruders capture tia and they take her away. cedric gets furious when he finds out(obviously). but what makes it worse is that the girl doesn’t seem to know what she did wrong but she also helped the intruders get away by telling them a secret passage. um also she’s died cause cedric ordered a knight to kill her... that was the latest chapter and it only showed blood but i’m pretty sure she was killed.