my old account got deleted but anyways, like I answered some other questions about this, I'm currently working on picking up this manga with the help of a volunteer translator (she's doing the translation, i'm doing the cleaning/typesetting), we've actually been working on it for a while but the translator is busy with other things so she hasn't finished yet unfortunately :'( but I can assure you that this will most definitely be updated, and hopefully soon, just be patient with us~ ^^ I also have a fansite for the manga where I post updates about it if you'd like to check it out <3 https://fyeahtashirokun.tumblr.com/

Alright everyone, it's super sad for me to say this but the current translator told me just now that they haven't made any progress on translating tashiro-kun due to their studies, and they don't see themselves being able to finish work on it anytime soon :( HOWEVER, if there is anyone here who can translate or knows someone who can translate, or even knows a scan group that would be willing to lend a hand in translating it PLEASE let me know straight away. Otherwise, it's probably gonna be a long time again before this gets finished translating. Like I've previously mentioned, I'm up-to-date with cleaning the raws and they're all ready, I just need a translated script and I could probably get all the remaining chapters typeset and finished within a week. I'm desperate for any kind of help at this point and I really don't want this series to die which is why I wanted to pick it up, but I'm super discouraged now. Again, if anyone knows any way I could get some help or wants to help themselves, email me @ [email protected] or send me a message on the Tashiro-kun tumblr https://fyeahtashirokun.tumblr.com/ ... I'd really appreciate any help, and I hope everyone continues to support and show their love for this manga <3
To be continued since 2019